Journal of abnormal psychology
High-hypnotizable subjects (n = 18) were superior to low-hypnotizable subjects (n = 18) in the extent of pain reduction produced by hypnotic analgesia and by a stress-inoculation procedure. However, stress inoculation but not hypnotic analgesia impaired performance on a cognitively demanding task that competed with pain reduction for cognitive resources. ⋯ The findings are also inconsistent with the notion of dissociated experience, which proposes that pain and the cognitive efforts to reduce it are cut off from consciousness by an amnesialike barrier. However, the results do support the notion of dissociated control, which proposes that suggestions for hypnotic analgesia directly activate pain reduction and thereby avert the need for cognitive strategies to reduce pain.
Three studies examined the influence of rapport on pseudomemory. Study 1 tested eight groups of 22 subjects in a 2 (level of susceptibility: high, low) x 2 (state instruction: hypnosis, waking) x 2 (rapport: present, reduced) design, rapport being inhibited by the hypnotist criticizing subjects' performance. ⋯ Study 3 analyzed effects among 44 highly susceptible hypnotic subjects where the second experimenter refrained from criticizing subjects. Data indicated a significant association between rapport with the hypnotist and pseudomemory in cued recall, strength of pseudomemory being appreciably lowered when negative hypnotist rapport was reinforced by the person testing pseudomemory.
This research evaluated the relationship between pain and sleep problems, and the role of pain and sleep problems in depression, in a sample of 242 patients who had been diagnosed with definite or classical rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Patients completed the Pain scale of the Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales, the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale, and self-reports of sleep disturbance at two data waves over a 2-year interval. ⋯ Longitudinal multiple regression analyses demonstrated that prior pain predicted subsequent adverse changes in sleep problems, whereas sleep problems did not affect pain over time, and prior pain and the interaction of high pain and high sleep problems were independently associated with depression from Time 1 to Time 2. These data suggest that pain may exacerbate sleeping difficulty in RA patients, and that both factors may contribute to depression over time.
Although patients with chronic pain are often psychologically distressed, it has been difficult to determine whether this distress is an antecedent of chronic pain or whether it is caused by the experience of living with chronic pain. The aim of this investigation was to develop a method that would allow individuals who are at risk for the development of chronic pain to be studied before their pain has become chronic. Patients with acute herpes zoster were assessed with demographic, medical, pain, and psychosocial measures. ⋯ Patients who developed chronic herpes zoster pain, however, had significantly greater pain intensity, higher state and trait anxiety, greater depression, lower life satisfaction, and greater disease conviction at the initial assessment than patients who did not develop chronic pain. In discriminant analyses, disease conviction, pain intensity, and state anxiety each made a unique contribution to discriminating patients who did and who did not develop chronic pain. This study demonstrates the feasibility of investigating psychosocial antecedents of the development of chronic pain by prospectively examining the longitudinal course of herpes zoster.
The work on the 4th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) poses many puzzling conundrums that touch on complicated and important theoretical and practical issues. None of these can be resolved in the DSM-IV, but we hope that the Task Force's decisions will be informed by thorough reviews of the currently available evidence and extensive input from all sectors of the mental health field. In this article we provide an alphabetical guide to DSM-IV conundrums that we hope will stimulate comments, suggestions, and criticisms about the work of the Task Force.