Heart & lung : the journal of critical care
Critical care nurses' perceptions of appropriate care of the patient with orders not to resuscitate.
To determine critical care nurses' perceptions of appropriate care of patients with and without do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders. ⋯ Compared with the patient without a DNR order, significantly lower levels of agreement were expressed with interventions involving monitoring for the patient with the DNR order. Agreement with placement of the patient with the DNR order in an intensive care unit may be seen to follow the same pattern. Education of caregivers and communication among them might help to clarify what may be ambiguous policies and orders.
Comparative Study
Evaluation of impedance cardiography: comparison of NCCOM3-R7 with Fick and thermodilution methods.
To assess the degree of error of the BoMed NCCOM3 model revision seven (R7) impedance cardiograph in determining stroke volume and estimated cardiac output. ⋯ The NCCOM3-R7 has a clinically unacceptable level of error for evaluating cardiac performance in patients with heart disease.
To determine whether combined use of the parameters of mixed venous oxygen saturation, arterial oxygen saturation obtained by pulse oximetry (Spo2), and vital signs correlated with arterial blood gas variables (ABGs) better than each individual variable during weaning of postoperative cardiac surgery patients from mechanical ventilation; and to evaluate the relationship of derived parameters: oxygen extraction index and ventilation/perfusion index (VQI), and ABGs. ⋯ The use of multiple parameters was no more useful in predicting ABGs than individual variables of Spo2 and respiratory rate. The derived VQI parameter correlated with ABGs. The use of VQI in conjunction with Spo2 and respiratory rate may assist in patient monitoring during weaning and reduce the number of ABGs needed.
To determine the retention of Advanced Cardiac Life Support training of internal medicine residents as a function of the time since successfully completing ACLS training. ⋯ The error rate found was lower than in previous studies evaluating retention of ACLS education. It is important to have regular updates in ACLS to ensure proper protocol use.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
The effects of music interventions on anxiety in the patient after coronary artery bypass grafting.
To examine the influence during the early postoperative period of selected nursing interventions on mood and anxiety of patients undergoing heart surgery. ⋯ Although none of the three interventions was overwhelmingly superior, the overall response by all intervention groups demonstrated a generalized relaxation response. It is also important to note that there was reduced anxiety and improved mood within all three groups.