Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc
Review Comparative Study
Pneumoconiosis: comparison of imaging and pathologic findings.
Pneumoconiosis may be classified as either fibrotic or nonfibrotic, according to the presence or absence of fibrosis. Silicosis, coal worker pneumoconiosis, asbestosis, berylliosis, and talcosis are examples of fibrotic pneumoconiosis. Siderosis, stannosis, and baritosis are nonfibrotic forms of pneumoconiosis that result from inhalation of iron oxide, tin oxide, and barium sulfate particles, respectively. ⋯ Berylliosis simulates pulmonary sarcoidosis on CT images. CT findings in talcosis include small centrilobular and subpleural nodules or heterogeneous conglomerate masses that contain foci of high attenuation indicating talc deposition. Siderosis is nonfibrotic and is indicated by a CT finding of poorly defined centrilobular nodules or ground-glass opacities.
Ultrasonography (US) has been shown to be an effective imaging modality in the evaluation of both rotator cuff and non-rotator cuff disorders, usually serving in a complementary role to magnetic resonance imaging of the shoulder. US technique for shoulder examination depends on patient positioning, scanning protocol for every tendon and anatomic part, and dynamic imaging. The primary US signs for rotator cuff supraspinatus tendon tears are tendon nonvisualization for complete tears, focal tendon defect for full-thickness tears, a hypoechoic defect of the articular side of the tendon for an articular-side partial-thickness tear, and flattening of the bursal surface of the tendon for a bursal-side partial-thickness tear. ⋯ Long-head biceps tendon abnormalities include instability, acute or chronic tear, and tendinosis. The acromioclavicular joint is assessed for dislocation, fluid collection, cysts, and bone erosions. Other non-rotator cuff disorders include synovial disorders such as adhesive capsulitis and synovial osteochondromatosis; degenerative disorders such as osteoarthritis, amyloid arthropathy, hemarthrosis, and chondrocalcinosis; infectious disorders such as septic arthritis and bursitis; and space-occupying lesions.
Acute epiploic appendagitis most commonly manifests with acute lower quadrant pain. Its clinical features are similar to those of acute diverticulitis or, less commonly, acute appendicitis. The conditions that may mimic acute epiploic appendagitis at computed tomography (CT) include acute omental infarction, mesenteric panniculitis, fat-containing tumor, and primary and secondary acute inflammatory processes in the large bowel (eg, diverticulitis and appendicitis). ⋯ The CT features of acute omental infarction include a well-circumscribed triangular or oval heterogeneous fatty mass with a whorled pattern of concentric linear fat stranding between the anterior abdominal wall and the transverse or ascending colon. As CT increasingly is used for the evaluation of acute abdomen, radiologists are likely to see acute epiploic appendagitis and its mimics more often. Recognition of these conditions on CT images will allow appropriate management of acute abdominal pain and may help to prevent unnecessary surgery.
Ultrasonography (US) is well suited to the study of pathologic conditions of the scrotum in children. US provides excellent anatomic detail; when color Doppler and power Doppler imaging are added, testicular perfusion can be assessed. ⋯ When combined with the results of clinical and physical examination, the information obtained with US is sufficient to enable diagnosis in most cases of scrotal disease. Moreover, color Doppler imaging is essential for differentiation between processes such as epididymo-orchitis or torsion of the testicular appendages and testicular torsion, which have similar clinical manifestations (pain, swelling, and redness) but are managed differently.
Neck masses are a common finding in children and can present a difficult diagnostic challenge. These masses may represent a variety of conditions having a congenital, acquired inflammatory, neoplastic, or vascular origin. ⋯ The imaging findings in 120 children who had been referred or treated for cervical lesions were retrospectively reviewed, and a systematic multimodality imaging approach to pediatric neck lesions based on the involvement of anatomic compartments of the cervical region was developed to increase diagnostic efficiency. Careful attention to clinical history and physical examination findings, along with knowledge of the embryologic features and anatomy of the cervical region and a multimodality imaging approach, is very helpful in the diagnosis and management of pediatric neck lesions.