Handchirurgie, Mikrochirurgie, plastische Chirurgie : Organ der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Handchirurgie : Organ der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mikrochirurgie der Peripheren Nerven und Gefässe : Organ der Vereinigung der Deutschen Plastischen Chirurgen
Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir · Aug 2007
Comment[Development and implementation of the guideline "Diagnosis of and Therapy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome"].
In the period from July 2005 through November 2006, the evidence-based guidelines were developed by a steering committee consisting of three members from each of the societies involved (German Society for Hand Surgery, German Society of Neurosurgery, German Society of Neurology and German Society of Orthopaedics), coordinated by one member each from the DGH and the DGNC, under the methodological guidance of Prof. Selbmann of the German Association of the Scientific Medical Societies (AWMF). ⋯ Degrees of recommendation, based upon the degree of evidence of the underlying literature studies, modified, if necessary, by the expert opinion of the steering committee's members and the external evaluators of the Delphi round, were established for the most important diagnostic and therapeutic methods. In addition to the long version, a short version and a patient information bulletin were prepared as well, and the ways, means, and considerations surrounding their realisation and implementation, and other potential developments were also pursued.
Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir · Aug 2007
Case Reports Comparative Study[Reintervention after endoscopic surgery of the carpal tunnel syndrome].
The carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most frequent peripheric nerve compression syndromes. Almost 15 years ago, the endoscopic surgery of the carpal tunnel was introduced, in order to reduce postoperative pain and to shorten the length of the postoperative inactivity period, especially work absence. In the literature the rate of complications due to the endoscopic carpal tunnel release surgery is reported differently in respect to number and severity. This paper summarizes all reinterventions after endoscopic surgery in a single specialized hand surgery department, which prefers the open approach even for first time interventions. ⋯ In 22 cases the result of the endoscopic release of the carpal tunnel forced to redo the intervention. In seven patients there were important lesions of the neurovascular structures. Since the long-term result of the endoscopic and open surgery of the carpal tunnel is comparable, it should be discussed if endoscopic surgery is justified even with the risk of mutilant complications and which preoperative imaging procedure is required to discover pathologies and anatomical variants.
To point out detailed technical considerations and tactical modifications within the experience of 59 replantations of thumb avulsion injuries, to clarify the indications of replantation, and to evaluate the long-term results. ⋯ In replantation of avulsion amputation of the thumb, functional success depends on repair or reconstruction of all damaged tissues, if necessary, using nerve transfers and tendon transfers. If these could be done primarily as a one-stage reconstruction, the costs would be less, the patients would return to their work when the one-stage treatment and rehabilitation is finished, and would also eliminate the technical difficulties encountered in secondary reconstructions.
Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir · Jun 2007
ReviewEscharotomies, fasciotomies and carpal tunnel release in burn patients--review of the literature and presentation of an algorithm for surgical decision making.
Escharotomies are usually performed in patients with circumferential third degree burns of the extremities or anterior trunk. Fasciotomies are recommended for patients who sustained high voltage (or associated crush) injuries, with entrance or exit wounds in one or more extremities. Carpal tunnel release is practiced routinely in some services for cases of electrical injury. ⋯ Patients were monitored hourly from admission and decision to operate was based on clinical signs and in absent or below 90 % oximetry, regardless of Doppler flow signs. 68 % were males, 6 (11.3 %) patients had immediate escharotomies, while 4 (7.5 %) had immediate fasciotomies. 2 of these patients were operated regardless of positive Doppler sign but no oximetry. All patients recovered oximetry over 90 % immediately after the operations. 3 patients had negative Doppler sign but oximetry > 90 % and were not operated. 3 patients had carpal tunnel releases based on oximetry < 90 % and symptoms of compression of the median nerve. Patients who were not operated fared well with no signs or symptoms of impairment of circulation or nerve damage up to their 3 and 6 months reevaluations.
Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir · Apr 2007
Review Comparative Study[Hirudo medicinalis-leech applications in plastic and reconstructive microsurgery--a literature review].
Medical leech therapy has enjoyed a renaissance in the world of reconstructive microsurgery during recent years. Especially venous congestion is decreased using hirudo medicinalis application such as following replantation of amputated fingers or congested flaps. They provide a temporary relief to venous engorgement whilst venous drainage is re-established. ⋯ Infection associated with leech therapy is a documented complication of leech application, with reported incidences ranging from 2.4 to 20 % and a chinolone antibiotic is currently recommended to face the potential Aeromonas hydrophila infection. Anemia is a second adverse effect during medicinal leech application which has to be taken account with repetitive blood samples. Besides the successful applications of leeches in various applications in plastic and reconstructive microsurgery, randomized-controlled trials are pending to elucidate the value of hirudo medicinalis according to evidence-based criteria above from case series and case studies.