Ultraschall in der Medizin : Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in der Medizin, [der] Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in der Medizin, [der] Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in Medizin und Biologie
The value of ultrasound examination of the pleura and lungs remains highly underestimated to this day. While the ventilated lungs and the osseous skeleton of the thorax represent potent obstacles for ultrasound, a multitude of pathological processes of the chest wall, pleura, and lungs results in altered tissue composition, providing markedly increased access and visibility for sonographic examination. These conditions support the sonographic diagnosis of pleural and pulmonary disorders. ⋯ Punctures and drainages of fluids, e. g., haematothorax, empyema, chylothorax as well as biopsies of solid lesions can safely be performed under ultrasound-guidance. It is of special importance that pleura and lung ultrasonography, as a non-invasive method, can be repeated without discomfort or radiation exposure for the patient and is therefore valuable in the follow-up of pathological findings. Adequate interpretation of sonographic pleura and lung findings has to consider the patient's history, physical examination, chest X-ray and other results obtained by complementary imaging technologies (e. g. thoracic computed tomography).
The aim of this study is to evaluate whether sonography as a primary diagnostic tool can be used for the diagnosis of supracondylar fractures of the humerus within a screening regimen. ⋯ The longitudinal sections of the first compartment (standard sections) together with the two newly added dorsal radial and ulnar sections improved the diagnosis of supracondylar fractures of the humerus. The primarily unsatisfactory results could be improved by introduction of these additional sections, which are now recommended as standard sections of ultrasound application. Having acquired sufficient experience, the method can be used as a screening method for primary diagnosis and documentation of supracondylar fractures.
Summary. Colour coded Duplex sonography (CDI) is an important method for the judgement of renal perfusion in infancy. By means of CDI the renal artery (RA), the segmental renal arteries (SA) and the interlobar arteries (ILA) can be differentiated. By means of pulsed Doppler sonography flow parameters in renal vessels can be measured. ⋯ As flow velocity and resistance indices are age dependent and dependent on the location of the sample volume in different renal arteries, both parameters have to be considered if pathological flow parameters are measured. The determination of normal values of flow velocity and resistance indices in different renal arteries facilitate the judgement of pathologic flow parameters. For comparative controls flow measurements within the renal artery and interlobar arteries should be used.
An early sign of atherosclerosis is hypertrophy of the arterial wall. Increased intima-media thickness (IMT) is a non-invasive marker of arterial wall alteration, which can easily be assessed in the carotid arteries by high-resolution B-mode ultrasound. There are important differences in B-mode measurements of carotid IMT between laboratories. ⋯ In conclusion, high-resolution Duplex-sonography seems promising for the detection, quantification and serial investigations of structural alterations of the arterial wall. The method is sensitive enough to be applied in clinical studies of the progression and regression of early preintrusive atherosclerotic lesions in extracranial carotid arteries. Moreover IMT of the common carotid artery can be used as a therapeutic endpoint.
To determine the comparative performance of a portable sonography device in abdominal ultrasound. ⋯ Portable ultrasound devices are surprisingly effective in the hands of experienced examiners. Imaging quality is predictably inferior to so-called high-end devices. Nearly all acute and therapeutically relevant diagnoses and findings were registered, even though nearly a quarter of the findings diagnosed with the high-end device were overlooked. These findings were mostly clinically irrelevant or very small in size. As could be expected, problems arose with pathological findings requiring high resolution, i.e., liver metastases, tiny gallstones, appendicitis, Crohn's disease etc. These form a clear indication for a high-end ultrasound examination.