Ultraschall in der Medizin : Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in der Medizin, [der] Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in der Medizin, [der] Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in Medizin und Biologie
Today the accuracy of medical imaging systems lies between +/- 0.5 mm (CT) and +/- 2.5 mm (MRI). In neurosurgery the overall uncertainty may reach the dimension centimetres. A non-tactile ultrasonic measurement system is described that allows three-dimensional measurement with a theoretical accuracy of +/- 0.1 mm in a frequency range between 50 and 70 kHz. In practice the accuracy is better than +/- 1 mm with a repetition rate of 10 per second for the x,y,z-data sets.
Tumour cells appear spontaneously in the blood of tumour patients. However, the formation of metastases depends not only on the number of tumour cells, but also to a large degree on the defence status of the patient. According to the experiments presented here, fine needle puncture can slightly increase tumour cell migration. ⋯ The incidence of metastases in the puncture channel after fine needle biopsy of tumours of various organs is between 0.003 and 0.005% and is hence low. Nevertheless, indication for fine needle puncture of malignant processes should be considered very critically. However, if the use of the puncture leads one to expect therapeutic consequences that are of relevance for the patient, the doctor should not hesitate to employ this method which has a high informative value.
In a clinical study a group of pregnant women with suspected cervical incompetence was examined by vaginal sonography. Aim of the investigation was to compare results of performed vaginal palpation with results of sonography. 53 pregnant women between 20th und 31st week of gestation were examined by a 5 MHz vaginal sector-scanner probe. After focussing sagittal projection of uterine cervix and lower uterine segment the cervical length and opening of the internal os were assessed prior to cerclage. ⋯ We are of the opinion that vaginal sonography is an objective method revealing the extent of cervical incompetence. Exact measurement of the cervical length and assessment of the internal os are efficient diagnostic criteria. They complete results of cervical palpation and offer precise information concerning an intended cerclage.
The rate of complications in fine needle puncture was ascertained by an inquiry conducted among the members of the German Association of Ultrasound in Medicine (DEGUM). 337 complications had been registered in a total of 66,397 punctures, corresponding to a percentage of only 0.51%. 294 of these were mild, i.e. not requiring therapy (0.44%), 38 severe (0.057%) and 5 complications were fatal and resulted in death (0.0075%). Differences were slight in respect of the frequency of complications with reference to puncture technique and type of needle employed. Most complications were seen in fine needle puncture for obtaining histological material (0.67%) (cutting biopsy needles), compared with 0.54% in therapeutic puncture and 0.46% for obtaining cytological material. ⋯ A. on a comparative basis. Compared with punctures with so-called coarse needles, fine needle puncture results in fewer complications on account of the smaller needle caliber. As with every intensive method, however, complications must be taken into account even with fine needle puncture.
Using fine-needle punctures under real-time control and permanent view it is possible to examine even very small lesions of parenchymal organs, especially of the abdomen, with high efficiency. Cytological proof can be obtained. This method can be performed without greater risk, if minimal factors of safety are observed.