The American journal of emergency medicine
Previous literature has identified uvulitis as a condition with serious implications. This report details a series of 15 patients with uvulitis whose clinical features were remarkable for a relatively benign course. This is the largest series of patients with uvulitis in the literature. ⋯ Of the 14 patients discharged, 13 (93%) were followed-up and none required further care. Seven (50%) of the discharged patients received symptomatic treatment only, whereas the others were treated with medications including antibiotics, corticosteroids, diphenhydramine, and B-agonists. Further research into the etiology and management of uvulitis is warranted.
To determine the clinical usefulness of infrared skin temperatures in diagnosing appendicitis, the authors conducted a prospective study of 86 adult and pediatric emergency department (ED) patients presenting during a 4-month study period with acute right lower abdominal pain. Skin temperature readings (FirstTemp digital thermometer, Intelligent Medical Systems, Inc, Carlsbad, CA) were taken from the right lower abdominal quadrant and a corresponding position on the left. An unpaired t test was used to determine if there was a significant difference between the right and left lower quadrants in patients with appendicitis. ⋯ There was no significant skin temperature differential between the lower abdominal quadrants in either patient group (0.0 degree C vs 0.1 degree C; P > .5). Three patients had a skin temperature on the right that was at least 1 degrees C warmer than on the left; none of these patients had appendicitis. The results suggest that infrared thermography is not a sensitive diagnostic test for acute appendicitis in the ED population.
Sympathomimetic use results in a triad of hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, and elevated white blood cell count. Transient hypokalemia results from activation of the Na+/K+ pump and transport of potassium intracellularly. Increased serum glucose and insulin may also contribute to the intracellular shift of potassium after sympathomimetic use. ⋯ These cases demonstrated that significant depressions in serum potassium can occur after pediatric albuterol overdose. Although transient, the dose-response relationship and duration of effect is unknown. Although significant hypokalemia can occur after ingestion of oral sympathomimetics, replacement should be managed on an individual basis until further studies are completed.
To evaluate the recently published Utstein algorithm (Ann Emerg Med 1991;20:861), the authors conducted a retrospective review of all advanced life support (ALS) trip sheets and hospital records of patients with prehospital cardiac arrests between January 1988 and December 1989. Telephone follow-up was used to determine 1-year survival rates. Of 713 arrests in the 24-month study period, 601 were of presumed cardiac etiology. ⋯ The Utstein style was found to be a useful algorithmic format for reporting prehospital cardiac arrest data in a manner that should allow direct comparison between emergency medical service (EMS) systems. Existing prehospital record-keeping practices (trip sheets) are easily adapted to this style of data collection, although certain data for the template (eg, resuscitations not attempted and alive at 1-year) are more difficult to ascertain. Additionally, the authors report their own experience during a 2-year period, including data that suggest that the majority of patients with cardiac arrest who survive to hospital discharge are still alive at 1 year.
Ovarian vein thrombosis is a rare occurrence in the postpartum period. Two cases of postpartum ovarian vein thrombosis are presented. ⋯ Early diagnosis is essential for appropriate treatment and prevention of the potential sequelae that can occur. Computerized tomography with contrast is the optimal imaging modality for the diagnosis.