The American journal of emergency medicine
Letter Case Reports
The importance of lead aVR interpretation by emergency medicine physicians.
Comparative Study
Central venous saturation in septic shock: co-oximetry vs gasometry.
Central venous oxygen saturation calculated by gasometry (Gaso-Scvo2) is more available than central venous oxygen saturation measured by co-oximetry (Co-oxy-Scvo2) in environments with less resources and underdeveloped countries. Therefore, we aimed to determine the agreement between Co-oxy-Scvo2 and Gaso-Scvo2 and between central venous oxygen tension measured by gasometry (Gaso-Pcvo2) and Co-oxy-Scvo2, respectively. ⋯ The reliability of Gaso-Scvo2 determination during the resuscitation phase of septic shock is not acceptable. There is a good agreement between a Gaso-Pcvo2 more than 40 mm Hg and a Co-oxy-Scvo2 greater than or equal to 70%. Our results suggest that given these limitations, Gaso-Scvo2 results should be interpreted with caution, helped by Gaso-Pcvo2 measurements and in context with other perfusion parameters.