The American journal of emergency medicine
Case Reports
Rapid and severe neurologic deterioration due to influenza associated encephalopathy in a healthy child.
Rapid neurologic deterioration is rare in healthy school age children, particularly in the absence of trauma or toxic exposure. Hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke, infectious etiologies and metabolic causes must be emergently considered. We present the clinical details of a previously well child with two days of mild viral symptoms who progressed from playful and active to severe neurologic injury over the course of eight hours.
Vertebral artery dissection can be insidious and is a leading cause of stroke in young patients, second only behind cardioembolic events [1]. We present the case of a 42-year-old patient who presented to the emergency department with diaphoresis and a complaint of neck pain one month after a low speed motor vehicle collision. The patient was transferred to a stroke center where cerebral angiography showed severe vertebral artery stenosis with likelihood of dissection after a noncontrast CT was negative for hemorrhage. ⋯ Most commonly, patients with arterial dissection present with head or neck pain, stroke, and Horner syndrome. It is now thought that vertebral artery dissection is a multifactorial disease process where certain intrinsic factors are present in the setting of an exacerbating extrinsic factor such as a low speed car accident, direct trauma, heavy lifting, or a rotational sports injury. And while our patient was treated with antiplatelet therapy and intravascular intervention, vertebral artery dissection is rare and further research is required to better guide treatment as there is no definitive data showing superiority of either anticoagulation or antiplatelet pharmaceutics.
Mortality for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is high when traditional chest compressions are used without adjuncts. The abdominal aortic and junctional tourniquet (AAJT) is a device with a wedge-shaped air bladder that occludes the aortic bifurcation, augmenting blood flow to the heart and brain. Previously, the addition of AAJT during chest compression led to an increase in rate of survival in a model of traumatic cardiac arrest. ⋯ The AAJT did not confer a survival advantage during chest compressions, but hemodynamic improvements were observed while the AAJT was in place.
We present the first case report describing the use of point of care ultrasound (POCUS) in diagnosing subgaleal hematoma (SGH) in a case of accidental pilotraction. We review the incidence of SGH caused by pilotraction and sonographic findings of SGH in the literature.