The American journal of emergency medicine
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a syndrome characterized by localized apical dysfunction of the left ventricle. It is rarely seen in pediatric patients, but can carry significant morbidity and mortality. While most commonly associated with psychosocial stressors or physical exertion, a growing number of cases are being attributed to medications. ⋯ Rates of pediatric clonidine overdoses are increasing in the setting of changing prescribing practices. Our case illustrates some key features of the clinical presentation, as well as demonstrates a rare sequelae to this common toxic exposure. To our knowledge, this is the first reported pediatric case of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy secondary to a clonidine overdose.
Case Reports
Massive MCA stroke requiring alteplase followed by thrombectomy in a 34-year-old female with alport syndrome.
34-year-old-female with a medical history significant for Alport's syndrome, chronic kidney disease on dialysis, and hypertension, was brought to the emergency department for sudden onset aphasia and facial droop that began 30 min prior to arrival. She denied a history of prior strokes, recent illness, or fever. The vital signs on arrival as follows: blood pressure 151/71 mmHg, temperature of 98.4F, pulse of 77 beats/min, and respirations of 16 breaths/min. ⋯ The patient underwent MRI that showed a large left MCA distribution acute infarction with focal reperfusion hemorrhage and parenchymal hematoma measuring approximately 3 cm in each dimension (Fig. 3). This finding prompted emergent decompression and hemicraniectomy on day 2 of hospitalization. The patient was discharged on hospital day 17 to a rehab center.
In patients with biliary or pancreatic disease, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a common and important therapeutic and diagnostic procedure. Stent migration is a possible complication occurring in approximately 5-10% of cases. ⋯ Highlighting this devastating complication, this case demonstrates an opportunity for emergency physicians (EP) to diagnose and monitor patients for post-operative and post-procedural complications. In the emergency department, EPs are well positioned to use ultrasound as a diagnostic and monitoring tool for cardiac tamponade.
Sympathetic crashing acute pulmonary edema (SCAPE) is a medical emergency in which severe, acute elevation in blood pressure results in acute heart failure and fluid accumulation in the lungs. Without prompt recognition and treatment, the condition often progresses rapidly to respiratory failure necessitating intubation and intensive care unit (ICU) admission. In addition to non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV), high-dose nitroglycerin (HDN) has become a mainstay of treatment; however, an optimal dosing strategy has not been established. ⋯ This is the largest to date study describing the use of an HDN infusion (≥100 μg/min) strategy for the management of SCAPE. HDN infusion may be a safe alternative strategy to intermittent bolus HDN.
Pulmonary edema and anasarca are both common findings in patients presenting to emergency departments (ED). The differential diagnosis for these conditions is very wide and requires an initially broad approach that considers multiple organ systems. Insulin edema has been previously described in multiple case reports as a likely cause of acutely developing edema in mostly type I diabetics either initiating or increasing the intensity of their insulin regimens. ⋯ Her clinical presentation was notable for hypoxia requiring supplemental oxygen, bilateral lower extremity pitting edema, weight gain of 30 kg since discharge 9 days ago, a chest Xray displaying bilateral pulmonary edema and a work-up otherwise unrevealing for cardiac, renal, or liver etiologies. She was then admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) on supplemental oxygen where through further evaluation she was determined to have insulin edema. This case details an unlikely etiology of anasarca and pulmonary edema, however diagnosing this condition highlights the broad diagnostic process that must be considered for any patient without known significant cardiac, renal, or liver history presenting with respiratory distress and anasarca especially on initial presentation to an emergency department.