The American journal of emergency medicine
Abdominal pain remains a top chief complaint for patients presenting to the emergency department (ED). Benign or emergent etiologies can present similarly. A thorough history and physical examination are critical for emergency physicians, especially for post-operative patients with concerns for a possible bowel perforation. Hysteroscopies with myomectomies are a minimally invasive surgical technique to remove fibroids. Gynecologic procedures historically have a low incidence of bowel perforation, however, in patients with post-operative pain presenting to the ED, distinguishing between a normal post-operative course and a post-operative complication can be challenging. ⋯ This patient initially presented with abdominal pain associated with nausea and vomiting following a hysteroscopy with myomectomy, where initial testing led to a possible diagnosis of enteritis. Due to her continued abdominal pain, the ED physician admitted the patient, and it was found that she had two ileum perforations from suspected uterine perforations.
Rattlesnake envenomations account for many of the Crotalid envenomations in the United States annually. Two antivenoms are currently available to treat Crotalid envenomation in this country: Crotalidae-polyvalent ovine immune Fab antivenom (CroFab®; FabAV) and Crotalidae equine immune F(ab')₂ antivenom (ANAVIP®; F(ab')₂AV). Few studies have compared the adverse effect rates for each. ⋯ Five patients (1.5 %) had severe adverse events reported in the poison center records following FabAV administration, and none were reported following F(ab')₂AV administration (p = 0.025). Overall, our poison center data suggests the rate of adverse events is low following the use of either antivenom. Our findings are limited by the lack of consistent timing data, a smaller F(ab')₂AV cohort, retrospective format, and use of poison center data.
When the initial rhythm of cardiac arrest is non-shockable, resuscitation outcomes tend to be unfavorable. However, signs of life (gasping, pupillary light reaction, or any form of body movement) have been suggested as favorable prognostic factors for patients with refractory cardiac arrest who are undergoing extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR). This study determined whether signs of life are favorable neurological prognostic factors for patients undergoing ECPR post non-shockable cardiac arrest. ⋯ Signs of life during resuscitation were favorable prognostic factors in patients with refractory cardiac arrest and non-shockable rhythm. When these patients are considered for ECPR, the status of signs of life during resuscitation may facilitate the decision to perform ECPR.
To measure the association between patient race and physical restraint use in the ED. ⋯ Black patients were more likely to be physically restrained compared to White patients, though the magnitude of this association was small compared to that of other clinical risk factors. Future work should evaluate if these findings are driven by differences in patient characteristics or clinician decision-making to best inform interventions to reduce this disparity.