Letter Case Reports
Pacemaker lead failure masquerading as ventricular fibrillation.
Advanced Life Support guidelines recommend the use of epinephrine during Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), as to increase coronary blood flow and perfusion pressure through its alpha-adrenergic peripheral vasoconstriction, allowing minimal rises in coronary perfusion pressure to make defibrillation possible. Contrasting to these alpha-adrenergic effects, epinephrine's beta-stimulation may have deleterious effects through an increase in myocardial oxygen consumption and a reduction of subendocardial perfusion, leading to postresuscitation cardiac dysfunction. ⋯ Even though the existing literature points toward a beneficial effect of beta-blockade in patients presenting with cardiac arrest due to VF/pulseless VT, high quality human trials are still lacking to answer this question definitely.
To reduce airway injury secondary to high suction pressures, the American Academy of Pediatrics Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NPR) recommends that suction pressures be less than 100 mm Hg. This study was conducted to determine if suction bulbs conform to these recommendations. ⋯ Only one bulb met the NRP guidelines of generating pressures less than 100 mm Hg. This bulb's large size (3 oz) may preclude its use in premature infants. Individuals involved in resuscitating newborns need to be aware of the pressures generated to avoid injuring the delicate oral airway.
The study aims to describe 11 years of experience with extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR) for in-hospital paediatric cardiac arrest in a university affiliated tertiary care hospital. ⋯ In our single-centre experience with ECPR for paediatric in-hospital cardiac arrest, the duration of CPR has become shorter and outcomes have improved in recent years. Higher pre-ECPR lactate levels and the presence of post-ECPR renal failure were associated with increased mortality. The presence of non-cardiac causes of cardiac arrest did not preclude successful ECPR outcomes. The duration of CPR was not significantly associated with poor outcomes in this study.