Observational Study
Quantitative pupillometry and transcranial Doppler measurements in patients treated with hypothermia after cardiac arrest.
Predicting outcome after cardiac arrest (CA) is particularly difficult when therapeutic hypothermia (TH) is used. We investigated the performance of quantitative pupillometry and transcranial Doppler (TCD) in this context. ⋯ PLR measurements might be informative in the prediction of outcome of post-CA patients even under sedation and hypothermia.
The aim of the study was to evaluate prevalence, seriousness and risk factors of intra-thoracic injuries (ITI) injuries associated with CPR in non-survivors after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. ⋯ ITI present frequent and serious complications of unsuccessful CPR. ITI could contribute to the death only provided the fact that ROSC had been achieved. Correct performance of chest compressions according to guidelines is the best way to avoid ITI.
Studies show that after implementation of chest compression only CPR (CCC) in the community, there was an increase in bystander CPR rates and survival of OHCA victims. There have been very few studies to compare the retention rates of CCC and conventional CPR (CVC) in lay people. ⋯ CCC, with SL as the method to locate landmark for chest compression, should be taught to lay people.