Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Randomised controlled trials of staged teaching for basic life support. 1. Skill acquisition at bronze stage.
We have investigated a method of teaching community CPR in three stages instead of in a single session. These have been designated bronze, silver, and gold stages. The first involves only opening of the airway and chest compression with back blows for choking, the second adds ventilation in a ratio of compressions to breaths of 50:5, and the third is a conversion to conventional CPR. ⋯ Average performed rates were similar in the two groups, but more in the conventional group compressed too slowly whereas more in the bronze group compressed too rapidly. Observations were made for only three cycles of compression, but extrapolating these to the 8 min often considered a watershed for chances of survival for victims of cardiac arrest, an average of 308 compressions would be expected from those using conventional CPR compared with 675 for those using bronze level CPR. The implications of this difference are discussed.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Smaller tidal volumes with room-air are not sufficient to ensure adequate oxygenation during bag-valve-mask ventilation.
The European Resuscitation Council has recommended decreasing tidal volume during basic life support ventilation from 800 to 1200 ml, as recommended by the American Heart Association, to 500 ml in order to minimise stomach inflation. However, if oxygen is not available at the scene of an emergency, and small tidal volumes are given during basic life support ventilation with a paediatric self-inflatable bag and room-air (21% oxygen), insufficient oxygenation and/or inadequate ventilation may result. When apnoea occurred after induction of anaesthesia, 40 patients were randomly allocated to room-air ventilation with either an adult (maximum volume, 1500 ml) or paediatric (maximum volume, 700 ml) self-inflatable bag for 5 min before intubation. ⋯ In conclusion, our results indicate that smaller tidal volumes of approximately 6 ml kg(-1) ( approximately 500 ml) given with a paediatric self-inflatable bag and room-air maintain adequate carbon dioxide elimination, but do not result in sufficient oxygenation during bag-valve-mask ventilation. Thus, if small (6 ml kg(-1)) tidal volumes are being used during bag-valve-mask ventilation, additional oxygen is necessary. Accordingly, when additional oxygen during bag-valve-mask ventilation is not available, only large tidal volumes of approximately 11 ml kg(-1) were able to maintain both sufficient oxygenation and carbon dioxide elimination.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Optimisation of tidal volumes given with self-inflatable bags without additional oxygen.
The European Resuscitation Council has recommended smaller tidal volumes of 500 ml during basic life support ventilation in order to minimise gastric inflation. One method of delivering these tidal volumes may be to use paediatric instead of adult self-inflatable bags; however, we have demonstrated in other studies that only 350 ml may be delivered, using this technique. The reduced risk of gastric inflation was offset by oxygenation problems, rendering the strategy of attempting to deliver tidal volumes of 500 ml with a paediatric self-inflatable bag questionable, at least when using room-air. ⋯ Carbon dioxide levels were comparable (37 +/- 1 versus 37 +/- 1 mmHg). Our results indicate that smaller tidal volumes of about 8 ml x kg(-1) (approximately 600 ml), given with a new medium-size self-inflatable bag and room-air, maintained adequate carbon dioxide elimination and oxygenation during bag-valve-mask ventilation. Accordingly, the new medium-size self-inflatable bag may combine both adequate ventilatory support and reduced risk of gastric inflation during bag-valve-mask ventilation.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Effects of smaller tidal volumes during basic life support ventilation in patients with respiratory arrest: good ventilation, less risk?
When ventilating an unintubated patient in cardiac or respiratory arrest, smaller tidal volumes of 500 ml instead of 800-1200 ml may be beneficial to decrease peak airway pressure, and to minimise stomach inflation. The purpose was to determine the effects of small (approximately 500 ml) versus large (approximately 1000 ml) tidal volumes given with paediatric versus adult self-inflatable bags and approximately 50% oxygen on respiratory parameters in patients during simulated basic life support ventilation. ⋯ Administering smaller tidal volumes with a paediatric instead of an adult self-inflatable bag in unintubated adult patients with respiratory arrest maintains good oxygenation and carbon dioxide elimination while decreasing peak airway pressure, which makes stomach inflation less likely.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
A randomised comparison of three laryngoscopes with the Macintosh.
The Macintosh laryngoscope blade was compared with three modified blades--the Bizzarri-Giuffrida, the 'Improved Vision' Macintosh, and the Wiemers blade. Before and after a training session 24 participants intubated a Laerdal Airway Management Trainer with the four blades in random order. Intubation time was measured, oesophageal malpositions and 'clicks' indicating possible teeth damage, were counted. ⋯ In regard to the intubation time before training (P < 0.02), the intubation time after training (P < 0.003), and handling (P < 0.0005), the Bizzarri-Giuffrida was significantly inferior to the Macintosh. The 'Improved Vision' Macintosh and the Wiemers were not significantly different to the Macintosh. No significant difference was seen for oesophageal malpositioning and 'clicks' between any of the blades.