To investigate the association between regional brain oxygen saturation (rSO(2)) on hospital arrival and neurological outcomes at hospital discharge in patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). ⋯ rSO(2) on hospital arrival may help predict neurological outcomes at hospital discharge in patients with OHCA.
Comparative Study
What is the relationship between the Glasgow coma scale and airway protective reflexes in the Chinese population?
To describe the relationship of gag and cough reflexes to Glasgow coma score (GCS) in Chinese adults requiring critical care. ⋯ Our study has shown that in a Chinese population with a wide range of critical illness (but little trauma or intoxication), reduced GCS is significantly related to gag and cough reflexes. However, a considerable proportion of patients with a GCS≤8 have intact airway reflexes and may be capable of maintaining their own airway, whilst many patients with a GCS>8 have impaired airway reflexes and may be at risk of aspiration. This has important implications for airway management decisions.
Comparative Study
Pharmacokinetics of intraosseous and central venous drug delivery during cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
We compared the pharmacokinetics of intraosseous (IO) drug delivery via tibia or sternum, with central venous (CV) drug delivery during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). ⋯ IO drug administrations via either the sternum or tibia were effective during CPR in anesthetized swine. However, IO drug administration via the sternum was significantly faster and delivered a larger dose.
Tetramethylammonium ion (TMA) is an emerging industrial chemical and has caused mortalities in humans. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of subcutaneously injected TMA on heart rate (HR), mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and arterial blood gases (ABG) and to determine whether pretreatment using mechanical ventilation (MV) or atropine could prevent the mortality caused by TMA. ⋯ This rat model suggests that acute respiratory failure is responsible for the mortality caused by TMA, and therefore first aid should emphasize respiratory support. Atropinization prolonged survival time in the present study that possibly bought time for further management.