Randomized Controlled Trial
Reduced effectiveness of vasopressin in repeated doses for patients undergoing prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
The efficacy of repeated administration of vasopressin alone during prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) remains unconfirmed. This study was conducted to estimate the effectiveness of the repeated administration of vasopressin vs. epinephrine for cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA) patients receiving prolonged CPR. ⋯ This is the first report of a possible vasopressin-alone resuscitation without additional epinephrine. However, repeated injections of either vasopressin or epinephrine during prolonged advanced cardiac life support resulted in comparable survival.
This study was done to determine the effect of ambient temperature on cold saline during simulated infusion to induce therapeutic hypothermia. The study hypothesis was that cold saline would warm rapidly during simulated infusion and that an insulating SIGG neoprene pouch would slow the process. ⋯ During simulated infusion to induce therapeutic hypothermia, cold saline begins to warm toward ambient temperature but the rate is not rapid. An insulating SIGG neoprene pouch slows the rate of warming.
Drowning is a unique form of cardiac arrest and is often preventable. "Utstein Style for Drowning" was published in 2003 by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) to improve the knowledge-base, to provide epidemiological stratification, to recommend appropriate treatments and to ultimately save lives. We report on the largest single-center study of the Utstein Style resuscitation for drowning. ⋯ Our report is the largest single-center study of OHCA due to drowning reported according to the guidelines of the Utstein Style. Being witnessed, having a short duration of submersion, having early resuscitation by EMS, and rapid transportation are important for survival after drowning.
Technical data now gathered by automated external defibrillators (AEDs) allows closer evaluation of the behavior of defibrillation shocks administered during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. We analyzed technical data from a large case series to evaluate the change in transthoracic impedance between shocks, and to assess the heterogeneity of the probability of successful defibrillation across the population. ⋯ Impedance change between consecutive shocks is minimal and inconsistent. Therefore, to increase current of a subsequent shock requires an increase of the energy setting. Distribution of failed shocks is far from random. First shock defibrillation failure is often predictive of low efficacy for subsequent shocks.
Letter Case Reports
Neurologic recovery following cardiac arrest due to carbon monoxide poisoning.