Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Clinical Trial
Conducting research using the emergency exception from informed consent: the Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) Trial experience.
The Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) Trial, a prospective, multicenter, randomized clinical trial comparing two prehospital resuscitation strategies, was conducted under the regulations for exception from informed consent (21CFR50.24) in 24 communities in North America. These regulations place additional requirements for human subject protection on investigators and Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), including conducting community consultation (CC) and public disclosure (PD). ⋯ The length of time to obtain IRB approval and the extent of community consultation and public disclosure varied greatly among trial sites in meeting the current regulations for conducting emergency research with exception from informed consent. This suggests that more specific guidance may be useful and that determination of effective strategies for community consultation and public disclosure is needed.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Trials of teaching methods in basic life support (4): comparison of simulated CPR performance at unannounced home testing after conventional or staged training.
This study compares the retention of basic life support (BLS) skills after 6 and 12 months by lay persons trained either in a conventional manner, or using a staged approach. Three classes, each of 2h, were offered to volunteers over a period of 4 months. For the conventional group, the second and third classes consisted of review of skills. ⋯ At 12 months, those taught by the staged method were significantly better at shouting for help (P = 0.005), time to first compression (P < 0.0001), and compression depth (P = 0.003). Those taught conventionally were significantly better at checking for a carotid pulse at both 6 and 12 months (P < 0.0001). These results suggest that training lay persons in basic life support skills using a staged approach leads to overall better skill retention at 6 and 12 months, and has other advantages including a greater willingness to re-attend follow-up classes.
The optimal tidal and minute ventilation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is not known. In the present study seven adult, non-traumatic, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients were intubated and mechanically ventilated at 12 min(-1) with 100% oxygen and a tidal volume of 700 ml (10 +/- 2 ml kg(-1)). Arterial blood gas samples were analysed after 6-8 min of unsuccessful resuscitation and mechanical ventilation. ⋯ The patient with the highest (14 ml kg(-1)) and lowest (8 ml kg(-1)) tidal volumes per kg had the lowest and highest PaCO2 values of 2.6 and 6.8 kPa, respectively. Linear regression analysis confirmed a significant correlation between arterial pCO2 and tidal volume in ml/kg, r2 = 0.87. We conclude that aiming for an estimated ventilation of 10 ml kg(-1) tidal volume at frequency of 12 min(-1) might be expected to achieve normocapnia during ALS.
We describe the design of a universal report form for use by lay-responders using an automated external defibrillator (AED) as part of a national programme for public access defibrillation (PAD). The form was designed initially because the Department of Health in England required detailed audit data about the national programme for public access defibrillation they initiated. ⋯ The form evolved pragmatically as experience showed the wide range of situations under which lay-persons might use an AED, and also the information likely to be available that could be collected reliably. This report may help others who wish to audit schemes for PAD and facilitate the evolution of an internationally acceptable template for data collection.
Comparative Study
Reducing ventilation frequency combined with an inspiratory impedance device improves CPR efficiency in swine model of cardiac arrest.
The basic premise that frequent ventilations during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) are a necessity for tissue oxygenation has recently been challenged. An inspiratory impedance threshold device (ITD) recently has also been shown to increase CPR efficiency, principally by augmenting circulation with little impact on ventilation. The optimal compression to ventilation (C/V) is not known for this new device. The purpose of this study was to compare the currently recommended C/V ratio of 5:1 with a 10:1 ratio, +/- the ITD, to optimize circulation and oxygenation during CPR. ⋯ CPR efficiency can be optimized by changing the compression: ventilation ratio from 5:1 to 10:1 and with concurrent use of the inspiratory threshold device.