In an attempt to standardize the teaching and training of active compression-decompression cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ACD-CPR), a group of leading emergency physicians, cardiologists, anesthesiologists, paramedics and nurses with practical, theoretical, educational, and scientific experience in the subject met in June 1995. The group was called The International Working Group of Teaching and Training Active Compression-Decompression CPR. The group was 'born' as a result of the first International Conference of Active Compression-Decompression CPR held in Copenhagen in March 1995. The following paper describes the background, development and text of and ACD-CPR course manual for both students and instructors.
The objective of this study was the assessment of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and the definition of possible predictive factors for final hospital discharge. Out of a database of 89,557 consecutive missions of the Vienna emergency medical system (EMS) during 1990, there were 623 missions due to a collapse of non-traumatic origin: in 374 cases (60.0%) the patients were declared dead without further attempts at resuscitation. The remaining 249 patients were analysed for predictive factors at site. ⋯ Most patients with ventricular tachycardia/fibrillation (VT/VF) survived primarily (69 of 117, i.e. 59.0%). Survival to hospital discharge: 27 patients were discharged from hospital care (10.8%). ECG findings on arrival of the EMS physician at the site proved to be the only powerful predictor for survival: 24 of 117 patients with VT/VF survived compared with only one of 81 with primary asystole, two of 39 with severe bradycardia, and no patient with electromechanical dissociation.
This discussion about advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) reflects disappointment with the over 50% of out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) attempts that fail to achieve restoration of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). Hospital discharge rates are equally poor for in-hospital CPR attempts outside special care units. Early bystander CPR and early defibrillation (manual, semi-automatic or automatic) are the most effective methods for achieving ROSC from ventricular fibrillation (VF). ⋯ Fibrillation and defibrillation thresholds are influenced by the peripheral sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and impulses from the frontal cerebral cortex. CPR for cardiac arrest of the mother in advanced pregnancy requires modifications and outcome data. Until more recognizable critical factors for ROSC are identified, titrated sequencing of ACLS measures, based on physiologic rationale and sound judgement, rather than rigid standards, gives the best chance for achieving survival with good cerebral function.
In order to compare the quality of CPR performance after various training methods, training outcome assessment must provide meaningful data and do it in a way that is reliable. Few studies have provided details of their assessment procedures, and even fewer report on whether the measures to evaluate performance are reliable (yielding information consistently over multiple trials), or valid (measuring the outcome intended). Few studies have attempted to replicate assessment methods used by other authors. ⋯ The level of agreement between two raters was high (Pearson product-moment correlation = 0.87) as was the reliability estimate obtained by Cronbach's alpha (0.89). As criterion-related evidence of the validity of the CPR checklist to assess CPR performance, a correlation with a five-point subjective overall rating of CPR was estimated (Spearman correlation = 0.92). We urge standardized reporting of CPR training outcomes in order to achieve comparability across studies.