Review Meta Analysis
The effect of hyperoxia on survival following adult cardiac arrest: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies.
Studies have shown the detrimental effect of hyperoxia in animals with return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) after cardiac arrest. To maximize the value of existing clinical studies, we performed the systemic review and meta-analysis of human observational studies to examine the effect of hyperoxia on outcomes of post-ROSC patients. ⋯ Hyperoxia appears to be correlated with increased in-hospital mortality of post-ROSC patients. This result should be interpreted cautiously because of the significant heterogeneity and limited number of studies analyzed. However, because exposure to hyperoxia had no obvious benefits, clinicians should monitor PaO2 closely and titrate oxygen administration cautiously.
Review Meta Analysis
Efficacy of vasopressin during cardio-pulmonary resuscitation in adult patients: A meta-analysis.
Experimental and animal studies suggested that vasopressin may have a favorable survival profile during CPR. This meta-analysis aimed to determine the efficacy of vasopressin in adult cardiac patients. ⋯ ROSC in "in-hospital" cardiac arrest patients is significantly better when vasopressin was used. A subgroup analysis of this meta-analysis found that ROSC, survival to hospital admission and discharge and favorable neurological outcome may be better when vasopressin was used as repeated boluses of 4-5 times titrated to desired effects; however, overall no beneficial effect was noted in unselected cardiac arrest population.
Review Meta Analysis
Adrenaline for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest resuscitation: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.
The evidence for adrenaline in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) resuscitation is inconclusive. We systematically reviewed the efficacy of adrenaline for adult OHCA. ⋯ There was no benefit of adrenaline in survival to discharge or neurological outcomes. There were improved rates of survival to admission and ROSC with SDA over placebo and HDA over SDA.
Review Meta Analysis
Audiovisual feedback device use by health care professionals during CPR: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised and non-randomised trials.
A systematic appraisal of the literature to determine if audiovisual feedback devices can improve CPR quality delivered by health care practitioners (HCPs) and/or survival outcomes following cardiac arrest. ⋯ In both manikin and human studies, feedback during resuscitation can result in rescuers providing CC parameters closer to recommendations. There is no evidence that this translates into improved patient outcomes. The reason for this is not yet evident and further patient centered research is warranted.
Review Meta Analysis
Predictors of poor neurological outcome in adult comatose survivors of cardiac arrest: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Part 1: Patients not treated with therapeutic hypothermia.
To systematically review the accuracy of early (≤7 days) predictors of poor outcome defined as death or vegetative state (Cerebral Performance Categories [CPC] 4-5) or death, vegetative state or severe disability (CPC 3-5) in comatose survivors from cardiac arrest not treated using therapeutic hypothermia (TH). PubMed, Scopus and the Cochrane Database of Systematic reviews were searched for eligible studies. Sensitivity, specificity, false positive rates (FPR) for each predictor were calculated and results of predictors with similar time points and outcome definitions were pooled. Quality of evidence (QOE) was evaluated according to the GRADE guidelines. ⋯ In comatose resuscitated patients not treated with TH presence of myoclonus, absence of pupillary reflex, bilateral absence of N20 SSEP wave and low EEG voltage each predicted poor outcome early and accurately, but with a relevant risk of bias.