Multicenter Study Observational Study
Immediate versus early coronary angiography with targeted temperature management in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors without ST-segment elevation: A propensity score-matched analysis from a multicenter registry.
The optimal coronary angiography (CAG) timing in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) survivors without ST-segment elevation (STE) for good neurologic outcome remains unknown. This study aimed to evaluate whether immediate versus early CAG impacts neurological outcomes of OHCA survivors without STE. ⋯ Coronary artery stenosis was found in 42.7% of TTM-treated non-STE OHCA patients with CAG within 24 h, but there was no clear neurological benefit of immediate versus early CAG.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Prolonged targeted temperature management reduces memory retrieval deficits six months post-cardiac arrest: A randomised controlled trial.
Cognitive sequelae, most frequently memory, attention, and executive dysfunctions, occur commonly in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) survivors. Targeted temperature management (TTM) following OHCA is associated with improved cognitive function. However, the relationship between the duration of TTM and cognitive outcome remains unclear. We hypothesised that OHCA survivors that were subjected to prolonged TTM of 48 h (TTM48) would exhibit better cognitive functions compared to those subjected to standard TTM of 24 h (TTM24) six months post-OHCA. ⋯ This study reports an association between the duration of TTM and cognitive outcome. In OHCA survivors with perceived good cognitive outcome (CPC ≤ 2), TTM48 was associated with reduced memory retrieval deficits and lower relative risk of cognitive impairment six months after OHCA compared to standard TTM24. (identifier: NCT01689077).
Multicenter Study Observational Study
A comparison of the ability of the National Early Warning Score and the National Early Warning Score 2 to identify patients at risk of in-hospital mortality: a multi-centre database study.
To compare the ability of the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) and the National Early Warning Score 2 (NEWS2) to identify patients at risk of in-hospital mortality and other adverse outcomes. ⋯ NEWS2 modifications to NEWS do not improve discrimination of adverse outcomes in patients with documented T2RF and decrease discrimination in patients at risk of T2RF. Further evaluation of the relationship between SpO2 values, oxygen therapy and risk should be investigated further before wide-scale adoption of NEWS2.
Multicenter Study
Hospitals with More-active Participation in Conducting Standardized In-situ Mock Codes have Improved Survival After In-hospital Cardiopulmonary Arrest.
Why is this important?
In-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA) training is an important component of both foundational and continuing medical education. Nonetheless patient survival after IHCA continues to vary across institutions, making it a priority for improvement.
What did they do?
Josey and team set out to identify whether greater hospital use of in-situ AHCI drills (‘in-situ mock codes’ - ISMC) was associated with improved IHCA survival. They measured both hospital-level simulation participation and IHCA discharge survival rates across 26 hospitals in their US multi-state non-profit health system.
And they found?
Hospitals with more active in-hospital cardiac arrest simulation training also had better IHCA survival (43% vs 32%, OR 0.62), even after adjusting for case-mix and acuity.
It is reasonable to conclude that better in-hospital code training leads to better basic & advanced life support and thus better IHCA survival – suggested, for example, by their observation of shorter time to defibrillation during arrest drills among high participation hospitals.
In fact they extraopated that each additional 1.1 drill/100 beds/year equated with one extra life saved. Interestingly the benefit of ISMC held up for large and medium-sized hospitals, but not small hospitals (=< 25 beds).
Be smart
Whether these results represent a direct casual effect of simulation training to improve survival, or an indirect effect of hospital safety culture on both simulation participation and patient survival, it is nonetheless an important result.
Plus a great example of studying a meaningful outcome (survival to discharge) instead of surrogate markers often employed in resuscitation and simulation research.
summary -
Multicenter Study Observational Study
The effect of different target temperatures in targeted temperature management on neurologically favorable outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a nationwide multicenter observational study in Japan (the JAAM-OHCA registry).
It has been insufficiently investigated whether neurological function after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) would differ by 1 °C change in ordered target temperature of 33-36 °C among patients undergoing targeted temperature management (TTM) in the real-world setting. ⋯ In this population, we evaluated the difference in outcomes after adult OHCA patients received TTM by 1 °C change in ordered target temperature of 33-36 °C and demonstrated that there was no statistically significant difference in neurologically favorable outcomes after OHCA irrespective of target temperature.