Selecting the appropriate candidates for extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR) for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is challenging. Previously, the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO) guidelines suggested the example of inclusion criteria. However, it is unclear whether patients who meet the inclusion criteria of the ELSO guidelines have more favorable outcomes. We aimed to evaluate the relationship between the outcomes and select inclusion criteria of the ELSO guidelines. ⋯ Patients who adhered more closely to specific inclusion criteria of the ELSO guidelines demonstrated a tendency towards a higher rate of favorable neurological outcomes. However, the relationship was heterogeneous according to initial rhythm.
We aimed to investigate the association of recent team leader simulation training (<6 months) and years of clinical experience (≥4 years) with chest compression quality during in-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA). ⋯ Recent simulation training of team leaders, but not years of team leader experience, was associated with shorter chest compression pauses during IHCA.
Multicenter Study
Clinicians' approach to predicting post-cardiac arrest outcomes for patients enrolled in a United States clinical trial.
Perceived poor prognosis can lead to withdrawal of life-sustaining therapies (WLST) in patients who might otherwise recover. We characterized clinicians' approach to post-arrest prognostication in a multicenter clinical trial. ⋯ Clinicians in our study state they follow neuroprognostication guidelines in general but often do not do so in actual practice. They reported clinical gestalt frequently informed early, highly confident prognostic judgments, and few objective tests changed initial impressions. Subjective prognostication may undermine well-designed trials.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
Good outcome prediction after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a prospective multicenter observational study in Korea (the KORHN-PRO registry).
To assess the ability of clinical examination, biomarkers, electrophysiology and brain imaging, individually or in combination to predict good neurological outcomes at 6 months after CA. ⋯ Clinical examination, biomarker, electrophysiology, and brain imaging predicted good outcomes at 6 months after CA. When the two predictors were combined, the specificity further improved. With the 2021 ERC/ESICM guidelines, the number of indeterminate patients and the uncertainty of prognostication can be reduced by using a good outcome prediction algorithm.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
The effects of bystander interventions for foreign body airway obstruction on survival and neurological outcomes: Findings of the MOCHI registry.
Foreign body airway obstruction (FBAO) is a life-threatening condition. We aimed to quantify the impact of bystander FBAO interventions on survival and neurological outcomes. ⋯ Bystander interventions were independently associated with survival and favorable neurological outcome, however, they were performed only in the half of patients.