Multicenter Study Observational Study
Quantitative assessment of pupillary light reflex for early prediction of outcomes after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A multicentre prospective observational study.
To clarify whether quantitative assessment of pupillary light reflexes (PLR) can predict the outcome of post-cardiac arrest (CA) patients during the first 72 h after the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). ⋯ Quantitatively measured PLR was consistently greater in survivors and patients with favourable neurological outcomes during the 72 h after ROSC. Quantitative assessment of PLR at as early as 0 h has a potential role for prognostication in post-CA patients.
The Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC)epidemiological registry (Epistry) provides opportunities to assess trends in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest treatment and outcomes. ⋯ Survival from adult OHCA in multiple large geographically-separate sites improved over the study period. Marked site differences in survival persist and addressing this variation is essential to improve outcomes from OHCA across North America.
Despite the significant socioeconomic burden associated with cardiac arrest (CA), data on CA patients' long-term outcome and healthcare-associated costs are limited. The aim of this study was to determine one-year survival, neurological outcome and healthcare-associated costs for ICU-treated CA patients. ⋯ In-ICU CA patients had the lowest one-year survival with the effective cost per survivor three times higher than for OHCAs.
Observational Study
Electro-clinical characteristics and prognostic significance of post anoxic myoclonus.
To systematically examine the electro-clinical characteristics of post anoxic myoclonus (PAM) and their prognostic implications in comatose cardiac arrest (CA) survivors. ⋯ Early onset PAM is not always associated with lack of recovery of consciousness. EEG can help discriminate between patients who may or may not regain consciousness by the time of hospital discharge.