Postresuscitation myocardial dysfunction (PRMD) can develop after successful resuscitation from cardiac arrest. However, echocardiographic patterns of PRMD remain unknown. This study aimed to investigate PRMD manifestations with serial echocardiography during the post-cardiac arrest period. ⋯ PRMD occurs in about one-third of patients resuscitated from cardiac arrest. Echocardiographic patterns of post-cardiac arrest LV dysfunction include global hypokinesia, regional wall motion abnormalities, and Takotsubo pattern.
Although prior work reported regional variation in survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), mechanisms of the variation have not been fully investigated. We sought to evaluate regional variation in favourable functional outcome after OHCA across 47 prefectures in Japan as our primary aim. We also evaluated the associations between favourable functional outcome and the numbers of basic life support (BLS) providers and public access automated external defibrillators (AEDs) within each prefecture as our secondary aim. ⋯ We found substantial regional variation in favourable functional outcome after OHCA of medical origin that was not explained by the numbers of BLS providers and public access AEDs within each prefecture.
Observational Study
Determinants of occurrence and survival after sudden cardiac arrest-A European perspective: The ESCAPE-NET project.
The ESCAPE-NET project ("European Sudden Cardiac Arrest network- towards Prevention, Education and New Effective Treatments") aims to study: (1) risk factors and mechanisms for the occurrence of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) in the population, and (2) risk factors and treatment strategies for survival after SCA on a European scale. ⋯ ESCAPE-NET will complement ongoing efforts on SCA outside Europe and within Europe including the EuReCa project.
The aim of this study was to determine the prognosis of 26 consecutive adults with alpha coma (AC), theta coma (TC) or alpha-theta coma (ATC) following CRA and to describe the clinical setting and EEG features of these patients. ⋯ Hypoxic-ischemic AC, TC and ATC are associated with a poor prognosis and a high rate of mortality. In younger patients with AC, TC and ATC and incomplete forms showing reactivity on the EEG, there is a greater probability of clinical recovery.
Observational Study
Timing of focused cardiac ultrasound during advanced life support - A prospective clinical study.
Focused cardiac ultrasound can potentially identify reversible causes of cardiac arrest during advanced life support (ALS), but data on the timing of image acquisition are lacking. This study aimed to compare the quality of images obtained during rhythm analysis, bag-mask ventilations, and chest compressions. ⋯ The quality of focused cardiac ultrasound images obtained during rhythm analysis and bag-mask ventilations was superior to that of images obtained during chest compressions. There was no difference in the quality of images obtained during rhythm analysis and bag-mask ventilations. Bag-mask ventilations may constitute an overlooked opportunity for image acquisition during ALS.