Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Safety of a two-dose investigational hepatitis B vaccine, HBsAg-1018, using a toll-like receptor 9 agonist adjuvant in adults.
Hepatitis B virus infection remains an important global public health problem. Approved alum-adjuvanted vaccines are well tolerated but require three doses and have reduced immunogenicity in adults. A two-dose vaccine containing hepatitis B surface antigen combined with a novel, Toll-like receptor 9 agonist adjuvant (HBsAg-1018 [HEPLISAV-B®]) has demonstrated significantly higher seroprotection rates than a three dose vaccine. ⋯ HBsAg-1018 had a similar safety profile to HBsAg-Eng. With improved immunogenicity and fewer doses over a shorter time, HBsAg-1018 has the potential to provide improved seroprotection and a significant public health benefit to adults 18 years of age or older.
Most studies use indirect cohort or case-control methods to estimate vaccine effectiveness (VE) of 7- and 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV7 and PCV13) against invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD). Neither method can measure the benefit vaccination programs afford the unvaccinated and many studies were unable to estimate dose-specific VE. We linked Australia's national immunisation register with health data from two states to calculate IPD incidence by vaccination status and VE for a 3 + 0 PCV schedule (doses at 2, 4, 6 months, no booster) among a cohort of 1.4 million births. ⋯ Our population-based cohort study demonstrates that >90% coverage in the first year of a universal 3 + 0 PCV program provided high population-level protection, predominantly attributable to strong herd effects. The size of the cohort enabled calculation of robust dose-specific VE estimates for important population sub-groups relevant to vaccination policies internationally.
Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH) is a rare acquired haematopoietic stem cell disease which causes defects in complement inhibiting proteins. The disease presents classically with the triad of haemolytic anaemia, pancytopenia and thrombosis. Eculizumab, a humanized antibody that blocks the cleavage of complement factor 5, was approved for PNH treatment in 2007 and has improved patients' survival since then. ⋯ We report a rare case of septic shock due to infection with Neisseria meningitis serogroup B despite prior vaccination with 4CMenB in a young PNH patient treated with eculizumab. There are increasing doubts over whether vaccination ensures sufficient immunoprotection against IMD in patients receiving eculizumab. Therefore, besides monitoring the immune response, lifelong chemoprophylaxis should be considered.
Despite increasing awareness of the importance of a provider recommendation for HPV vaccine, the U.S. has yet to achieve the Healthy people 2020 goal of 80% series completion among adolescents. This failure indicates a need for further examination of the modifiable influences on parents' decision-making. Healthcare providers can influence parents' HPV vaccination decision-making, but little is known about parents' perspectives on the counseling they receive. We sought to assess U.S. parents' satisfaction with provider communication about HPV vaccine and associations with vaccination behaviors. ⋯ Our study suggests that parent satisfaction with provider communication may play an important role in HPV vaccination decision-making. Yet, communication satisfaction has been largely unexamined in the HPV-vaccine literature to date. We introduce a brief, 7-item HPV Vaccine Communication Scale that can be used to assess parents' level of satisfaction with their provider's communication specific to HPV vaccine. We identify communication areas for providers to prioritize when discussing HPV vaccine with parents.
In Flanders, Belgium, pertussis vaccination is recommended since 2013 and available free-of-charge in every pregnancy between 24 and 32 weeks of gestation. Influenza vaccination is recommended for more than 10 years with a co-payment system in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, when pregnancy coincides with the influenza season. This study aims to estimate the coverage of pertussis and influenza vaccination during pregnancy in 2016 and to determine predictors for missing vaccination. ⋯ In Flanders, more than two-third of pregnant women receives pertussis vaccination but less than half of them receives the influenza vaccine. Further improvement for both maternal vaccination programs can be achieved by targeting the underserved populations and diminishing vaccination hurdles.