European journal of anaesthesiology
One may have to use a monitor of cortical suppression to maintain the optimal level of sedation and hypnosis. The bispectral index (BIS), a processed EEG parameter, which incorporates coupling along with the frequency and amplitude of EEG waveforms, has been proposed as a measure of the pharmacodynamic anaesthetic effect on the central nervous system. The numerical value of BIS varies from 0 to 100 (no cerebral activity to fully awake patient). ⋯ During propofol intravenous anaesthesia, BIS values from 40 to 60 have been proposed to maintain the desired level of hypnosis, with values below 50 associated with an insignificant probability of recall. However, the major limitation of the BIS monitor (monitor of hypnosis) relates to the fact that balanced anaesthesia comprises hypnosis, areflexia and analgesia and requires the administration of hypnotic agents, muscle relaxants and analgesics to achieve the desired clinical effects. Therefore, besides using the BIS value guidelines, one may also consider the haemodynamic, autonomic and somatic responses of the patient, the anaesthetic technique and the surgical interventions before deriving definite conclusions about the overall anaesthetic state of the patient.