European journal of anaesthesiology
Observational Study
Metabolic acidosis in patients with diabetes 2 undergoing cardiac surgery: The impact of SGLT2 inhibitor use: a retrospective cohort study.
Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2-i) lower blood sugar and reduce cardiovascular events and kidney failure. However, there have been increasing reports of euglycaemic diabetic ketoacidosis (eDKA) linked to SGLT2-i medicines. ⋯ While taking SGLT2 inhibitors, diabetic patients undergoing heart surgery are at an increased risk of ketosis and possibly metabolic acidosis. This emphasises the importance of careful observation and effective treatment strategies within this group.
Recent studies indicate that clavipectoral fascia plane block (CPB) efficacy may stem from injectate distribution to the anterosuperior clavicular periosteum. We conducted an anatomical study combining the CPB with injection within the subclavius muscle. ⋯ Our anatomical study demonstrates that the midclavicular block achieves effective distribution around the middle third of the clavicle, although complete circumferential anaesthesia of the clavicular periosteum was not achieved. Although this block may provide periosteal and bone anaesthesia, it does not address other sources of pain, such as muscle spasms and skin components. Additional clinical studies are needed to evaluate the overall efficacy of this dual block technique for clavicle surgery.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Comparative study of labour analgesia onset with injection of loading dose through epidural needle versus catheter: A prospective, double-blinded, randomised clinical trial.
Rapid onset of epidural analgesia is an important concern for the parturient. Commonly, the local anaesthetic mixture is administered through the epidural catheter. Drugs administered through the epidural needle might decrease the onset time and enhance the spread of medication within the epidural space. ⋯ Compared with bolus injection though a single end-hole epidural catheter, injection through the epidural needle did not shorten the analgesia onset time for adequate labour analgesia.