European journal of anaesthesiology
Review Meta Analysis
Incidence and severity of chronic pain after caesarean section: A systematic review with meta-analysis.
The frequency of caesarean section has increased dramatically in recent decades. Despite this, robust data regarding the consequences of caesarean section in terms of developing chronic postsurgical pain (CPSP) are still lacking. ⋯ This meta-analysis finds a clinically relevant incidence of CPSP 'wound' after caesarean section ranging from 15% at 3 months to 11% at 12 months or longer that has been largely stable in recent years.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Is there any analgesic benefit from preoperative vs. postoperative administration of etoricoxib in total knee arthroplasty under spinal anaesthesia?: A randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial.
Optimal postoperative analgesia is a challenge for the anaesthesiologist, with the ideal combination of methods, drugs, doses and timing of administration still the subject of research. The COX-2 inhibitors are a class of NSAIDs that may provide useful perioperative analgesia but the optimal timing of administration has not been elucidated. ⋯ Preemptive administration of etoricoxib 120 mg orally in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty under spinal anaesthesia is superior to postoperative administration of the same dose in terms of its morphine-sparing effect during the first postoperative 48 h, but not in prolonging the time to first analgesia, and is associated with a similar incidence of side-effects.
Working in anaesthesia is stressful, but also satisfying. Work-related stress can have a negative impact on mental health, whereas work-related satisfaction protects against these harmful effects. ⋯ Our analysis extracted six factors concerning general job stress. Of those, the emotionally difficult caseload contributed the most to job stress. The analysis also extracted four factors concerning general job satisfaction. Good relationships with patients and their families and being appreciated by colleagues contributed the most to satisfaction. The cluster analysis resulted in two distinct personality profiles: a distressed profile (n = 215) and a resilient profile (n = 440). General and anaesthesia-specific job stress was significantly higher and job satisfaction was significantly lower in the distressed profile, compared with the resilient profile. Experience of the emotionally difficult caseload did not differ between the two profiles CONCLUSION: Personality profiles were found to be related to anaesthesiologists' experience of work-related stress and satisfaction. One-third of the anaesthesiologists in our sample were categorised as distressed and are at risk of developing work-related mental health problems.
Letter Case Reports
Epidural abscess after epidural analgesia in children: report of two cases.