European journal of anaesthesiology
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Cocaine or phenylephrine/lignocaine for nasal fibreoptic intubation?
In order to assess if a mixture of phenylephrine/lignocaine is as effective as cocaine for local analgesia and vasoconstriction during nasal fibreoptic intubation, 99 patients receiving topical nasal analgesia either with cocaine 10% or a mixture of phenylephrine 1% and lignocaine 4% were studied in a randomized double-blind investigation. After topical analgesia a flexible fibreoptic endoscope was advanced through a nostril. Larynx, glottis and trachea were endoscopically sprayed with lignocaine. ⋯ Blood pressure, heart rate and ECG-ST segment were determined before and after topical nasal analgesia, after induction of anaesthesia and after nasotracheal intubation. There were no significant differences in pain intensity of epistaxis between groups during endoscopy, nor significant alterations in haemodynamic parameters or ST-segment. It is concluded that the mixture of phenylephrine and lignocaine is a useful alternative to cocaine for local analgesia and vasoconstriction during nasal fibreoptic intubation.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Marked increases in heart rate associated with sevoflurane but not with halothane following suxamethonium administration in children.
The changes in heart rate and arterial blood pressure following the administration of suxamethonium in healthy children (mean age 3.8 +/- 0.3 years) during inhalational induction with either sevoflurane (n = 22) or halothane (n = 19) were studied. Heart rate 60s following suxamethonium administration increased significantly in the sevoflurane but not in the halothane group. ⋯ Values of oxygenation, ventilation and age corrected minimal alveolar concentration were comparable at all measurement times. The haemodynamic response to the administration of suxamethonium in children anaesthetized with sevoflurane seems to reflect the stimulation of the autonomic ganglia by suxamethonium whereas this positive chronotropic effect is attenuated or reversed by halothane.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Potentiation of sufentanil by clonidine in PCEA with or without basal infusion.
Sufentanil or a sufentanil-clonidine combination was evaluated to determine whether the basal rate in patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) might affect the daily consumption, quality of analgesia or incidence of side effects. Following Caesarean section delivery, 60 patients were randomly assigned to receive one of the four following PCA regimens (15 patients per group) for the relief of post-operative pain by the epidural route: sufentanil 2 micrograms mL-1 in 0.9% NaCl, demand dose 5 micrograms i.e. 2.5 mL, (group S+ with, group S without an infusion at 2.5 mL hr-1) or sufentanil 2 micrograms mL-1 + clonidine 3 micrograms mL-1, demand dose 5 micrograms sufentanil + 7.5 micrograms clonidine i.e. 2.5 mL (group SC+ with and SC without an infusion of 2.5 ml hr-1). The other PCA settings (Bard I PCA pump) were a lock out of interval of 10 min and a 1 h limit of 20 micrograms sufentanil and 30 micrograms clonidine i.e. 10 mL. ⋯ Patients treated with the mixture tended to reach lower pain scores than those receiving sufentanil only without basal rate. Patients receiving the mixture with basal rate requested significantly fewer additional demands compared with the three other groups, but this did not influence the quality of sleep. Since side effects were more frequently registered in the patients in this group, it was concluded that the optimum regimen was the sufentanil-clonidine combination but with deletion of the basal rate.
The facial nerve is monitored intra-operatively using electromyography to identify and prevent damage during the excision of an acoustic neurinoma. In order to determine whether a profound level of peripheral neuromuscular blockade could be achieved without compromising facial electromyographic monitoring, 11 patients undergoing resection of acoustic neurinoma were studied. ⋯ The facial nerve was directly stimulated in the surgical field and the facial evoked muscle potentials (EMPs) were recorded. Even under complete peripheral neuromuscular blockade (i.e. no electrically evoked muscle potential measurable over the hypothenar eminence, no palpable hypothenar muscle response) it was possible to evoke facial muscle electromyographic responses by stimulation of the facial nerve.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Comparison of ondansetron and metoclopramide for the prevention of post-operative nausea and vomiting after major gynaecological surgery.
The efficacy of ondansetron 4 mg was compared with metoclopramide 10 mg for the prevention of post-operative nausea and vomiting in patients after major gynaecological abdominal surgery. Anaesthesia was standardized using thiopentone, atracurium and methadone for induction followed by isoflurane in nitrous oxide-oxygen mixture. Fifty patients were randomized in a double-blind fashion to either receive intravenous (i.v.) ondansetron 4 mg or metoclopramide 10 mg during closure of the pelvic peritoneum. ⋯ The highest incidence of nausea was in the first 4 h after surgery, being 56 and 37.5% in the ondansetron and the metoclopramide groups respectively. This decreased to less than 25% in both groups in the 12-24 h period. Ondansetron 4 mg and metoclopramide 10 mg had similar but short lasting efficacy for the prevention of vomiting in patients who received continued opioid analgesia after major gynaecological surgery.