Family practice
Antibiotic prescribing for acute self-limiting respiratory tract infections (ARTIs) in Australia is higher than international benchmarks. Antibiotics have little or no efficacy in these conditions, and unnecessary use contributes to antibiotic resistance. Delayed prescribing has been shown to reduce antibiotic use. GP registrars are at a career-stage when long-term prescribing patterns are being established. ⋯ Better awareness and understanding by GP registrars of the evidence for delayed antibiotic prescription may be a means of reducing antibiotic prescribing. Understanding both registrar and supervisor usage, uncertainties and attitudes should inform educational approaches on this topic.
Improving Access to Psychological Therapy (IAPT) services in England offer psychological therapy for patients with mental health issues such as depression and anxiety disorders. ⋯ Neither certain age or gender, nor the mode of patient referral to IAPT is associated with eventual attendance. Future research is indicated to identify in more detail if any specific mental health conditions are more likely to lead to non-attendance. Furthermore, there may be scope for a targeted approach for subgroups of patients, e.g. those who indicate they are feeling mentally too unwell, to enable them to attend IAPT screening and therapy appointments.
Over the last three decades, Australian opioid-prescribing rates and related morbidity and mortality have dramatically increased. Opioids are frequently prescribed by general practitioners (GPs) to manage chronic non-cancer pain, despite evidence-based recommendations from the Centre for Disease Control, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and World Health Organization widely cautioning their use. Little is known about the factors influencing the opioid prescribing decisions of Australian GPs, especially when not evidence based. ⋯ This study identified and described the patient-centred nature of GP opioid prescribing decisions. Patient age and perceived age-related opioid harm were important factors influencing prescribing decisions. Future work should inform interventions that value GP autonomy while still encouraging a collaborative inter-speciality approach to managing chronic pain patients with opioids.
Research has focused on screening for adverse childhood experiences, rather than provision of education as a part of routine anticipatory guidance. An adverse childhood experiences 'conversation' is one method that has not been studied empirically but represents a complimentary or alternative approach to screening which could overcome many existing barriers. ⋯ Results suggest that the adverse childhood experiences conversation is well received by parents/guardians and providers and is feasible to implement into primary care. The conversation could be used as a complimentary or alternative method to screening to further spread knowledge of toxic stress and health, provide resources for families and promote resilience.
Many studies examined gender inequalities in research, but only a few data are available for general biomedical journals. We assessed the prevalence of female first authorship in general biomedical journals and examined its variations across a number of author, article and journal characteristics. ⋯ The underrepresentation of women in articles published by general internal medicine journals, in articles from the non-Western world and in systematic reviews and trials should be addressed.