Family practice
Evidence-Based Medicine is built on the premise that clinicians can be more confident when their decisions are grounded in high-quality evidence. Furthermore, evidence from studies involving patient-oriented outcomes is preferred when making decisions about tests or treatments. Ideally, the findings of relevant and valid trials should be stable over time, that is, unlikely to be reversed in subsequent research. ⋯ Over 12-17 years, 9% of RCTs summarized as POEMs are reversed. Information alerting services that apply strict criteria for relevance and validity of clinical information are likely to identify RCTs whose findings are stable over time.
In primary care (PC) many patients suffer from multimorbidity involving depression and/or anxiety. Collaborative care (CC) has shown promising results for patients with depression, anxiety, and multimorbidity involving depression. However, specific content in CC for patients with multimorbidity involving depression and/or anxiety is unknown. ⋯ Specific content for CC for patients with multimorbidity involving depression is identified from current research. Research gaps were found regarding CC for patients with multimorbidity and anxiety, depression and anxiety, and depression and/or anxiety and more than 2 diseases.
Early diagnosis of pediatrics urinary tract infections in the outpatient settings is challenging but essential to prevent hospitalization and kidney damage. ⋯ All 4 point-of-care tests were suboptimal for use in the broad range of children presenting with acute illnesses to general practice. General practitioners need novel methods for obtaining reliable urine samples during the time of the consultation, especially for children not yet toilet-trained.
Health coaching (HC) and mindfulness (MFN) are proven interventions for mobilizing patients' inner resources and are slowly being integrated into public primary care. Since 2015 the medical community in Gibsons BC has integrated physician-led HC and MFN-based programs into team-based care. This exploratory study aimed to understand the mechanisms by which these rural programs helped both patients and clinicians, and to elicit priorities for future study in these fields. ⋯ These themes highlight critical qualities of HC and MFN programs when implemented in a Medicare system. Key features include reducing stigma around mental health through making programs physician-led and a natural part of primary care, enriching accessibility through public funding, and enhancing patient agency through cultivating embodied awareness, self-compassion, and interpersonal skills. These themes inform the next steps to support upscaling these programs to other communities.