Family practice
Case Reports
Varicella zoster virus reactivation following COVID-19 vaccination: a report of 3 cases.
The advent of vaccination against COVID-19 brought great expectations for the control of the pandemic. As novel vaccines, much of the associated side effects were unknown. Currently, an increasing number of reports from side effects of COVID-19 vaccines have been published, namely on cutaneous reactions. These are of utmost importance to increase our knowledge about possible undesirable effects and its prevention. ⋯ These cases highlight the possibility of VZV reactivation after the first dose of COVID-19 vaccines. Family Doctors should be aware of this event and play an important role informing and reassuring local communities for this possible vaccine reaction.
Collaborative care models (CCMs) have robust research evidence in improving mental health outcomes for diverse patient populations with complex health care needs. However, the impact of CCMs on primary care provider (PCP) outcomes are not well described. ⋯ Accumulating evidence supports CCM expansion, to improve both patient and PCP outcomes. Logistical efforts may enhance CCM adaptability and workflow. Further studies are needed to specifically examine the effect of CCMs on PCP burnout and retention.
Couple relationship problems are common and associated with health problems. The aim of this study was to explore general practitioners' (GPs') experiences, expectations, and educational needs when dealing with couple relationship problems in consultations. ⋯ This study revealed several paradoxes. GPs are confident in offering individual supportive therapy for couple relationship issues but should be aware of substantial pitfalls such as side-taking and constraining change. Despite dealing with relationship problems, GPs do not see themselves as therapists. They use professional and personal experience but would benefit from increasing their skills in cognitive restructuring promoting behavioural flexibility facing relationship problems.
Case Reports
Changes in balance due to mild lateral ankle sprain measured by parts of the JESS-Score: a case report.
By chance, one participant of a norm value study concerning the Jenaer-Standing-Stability-Score (JESS-Score) could be measured before and after a lateral ankle sprain (LAS, Grade I). Therefore, a complete comparison of the initial function, the situation after the LAS and even after additional therapy with focus on balance and postural control, was possible. ⋯ It is assumable that LAS is associated with postural deterioration. Therefore, the effect of exercises focussing on postural control and balance after lateral ankle sprain, even if only mild, should be investigated. Some items of the JESS-Score seem to be sensitive for evaluating changes concerning the balance ability.
Case Reports
A case report of COVID-19-associated erythema nodosum: a classic presentation with a new trigger.
Over the course of the pandemic, cutaneous manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 infections have been increasingly characterized, yet only a few cases of erythema nodosum (EN) are reported in the literature and international registries. ⋯ This report highlights the importance of clinician awareness of the potential association of COVID-19 with a classic clinical presentation of EN and underscores that these cases can be managed with the same therapeutic repertoire as EN due to other aetiologies. Of note, use of systemic agents was not employed in this case, as our patient improved with conservative therapy alone.