Family practice
Observational Study
Continuity of care and mortality for patients with chronic disease: an observational study using Norwegian registry data.
Research on continuity of care (CoC) is mainly conducted in primary care and has received little acknowledgment in other levels of care. This study sought to investigate CoC across care levels for patients with selected chronic diseases, along with its association with mortality. ⋯ CoC was moderate to high for disease-related contacts across care levels. A higher mortality associated with lower CoC was observed for patients with COPD, diabetes mellitus, and heart failure. A similar, but not statistically significant trend was found for patients with asthma. This study suggests that higher CoC across levels of care can decrease mortality.
Patient experience feedback is key in patient centred health systems, but empirical evidence of general practitioner (GP) interest in it is sparse. We aimed to: (i) quantitatively estimate the level of GP interest for feedback reports on patient experience; (ii) explore determinants of such interest; and (iii) examine potential association between a priori interest and patient experience. ⋯ Almost half of the GPs, and almost 3 in 5 of specialists in general practice, were interested in receiving a GP-specific feedback report on patient experiences. Interest in the report was generally not related to patient experience scores.
Pharmacists, as experts in medicines, are increasingly employed in general practices and undertake a range of responsibilities. Audit and feedback (A&F) interventions are effective in achieving behaviour change, including prescribing. The extent of pharmacist involvement in A&F interventions to influence prescribing is unknown. This review aimed to assess the effectiveness of A&F interventions involving pharmacists on prescribing in general practice compared with no A&F/usual care and to describe features of A&F interventions and pharmacist characteristics. ⋯ A&F interventions involving pharmacists can lead to small improvements in evidence-based prescribing in general practice settings. Future implementation of A&F within general practice should compare different ways of involving pharmacists to determine how to optimize effectiveness.PRISMA-compliant abstract included in Supplementary Material 1.
Older patients with multimorbidity are under-represented in experimental research. ⋯ Patient retention for the primary outcome was high, as it was collected directly from patient records. Patient completion of PROM data was poor, reflecting difficulty in understanding trial material. Recruiting older patients with multimorbidity to clinical trials is possible but requires significant resource and planning.
Association between maternal haemoglobin (Hb) and low birth weight (LBW) remains a controversial topic, and data in China were sparse. ⋯ Anaemia in delivering women was associated with an elevated risk of LBW and the risk increased with the severity of anaemia, especially among pregnant women with high education, long duration of gestation and multiple antenatal visits from Jiangxi Province, China.