Journal of pineal research
Chronic renal failure (CRF) is associated with oxidative stress that promotes production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Melatonin, the chief secretory product of the pineal gland, was recently found to be a potent free radical scavenger and antioxidant. The aim of this study was to examine the role of melatonin in protecting the aorta, heart, corpus cavernosum, lung, diaphragm, and kidney tissues against oxidative damage in a rat model of CRF, which was induced by five of six nephrectomy. ⋯ In this study, the increase in MDA and PC levels and the concomitant decrease in GSH levels of tissues and plasma and also SOD, CAT, GSH-Px activities of plasma demonstrate the role of oxidative mechanisms in CRF-induced tissue damage, and melatonin, via its free radical scavenging and antioxidant properties, ameliorates oxidative organ injury. CRF-induced dysfunction of the aorta and corpus cavernosum of rats was reversed by melatonin treatment. Thus, supplementing CRF patients with adjuvant therapy of melatonin may have some benefit.
Clinical Trial
Increased levels of malondialdehyde and nitrite/nitrate in the blood of asphyxiated newborns: reduction by melatonin.
Free radicals have been implicated in the pathogenesis of neonatal asphyxia and its complications. This study measured a product of lipid peroxidation, malondialdehyde, and the nitrite/nitrate levels in the serum of 20 asphyxiated newborns before and after treatment with the antioxidant melatonin given within the first 6 hr of life. Ten asphyxiated newborns received a total of 80 mg of melatonin (8 doses of 10 mg each separated by 2-hr intervals) orally. ⋯ Three of the 10 asphyxiated children not given melatonin died within 72 hr after birth; none of the 10 asphyxiated newborns given melatonin died. The results indicate that the melatonin may be beneficial in the treatment of newborn infants with asphyxia. The protective actions of melatonin in this study may relate to the antioxidant properties of the indole as well as to the ability of melatonin to increase the efficiency of mitochondrial electron transport.
Since melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) decreases locomotor activity and rearing and increases grooming behavior in a similar manner as somatostatin (SRIF), we examined if melatonin could induce these changes through somatostatinergic neurotransmission in the rat frontoparietal cortex. Male Wistar rats (200-250 g) received a single injection of melatonin (25 microg/kg per day) subcutaneously (s.c.) and were sacrificed 5 hr later. Melatonin treatment increased the number of 125I-Tyr11-SRIF receptors in frontoparietal cortical membranes without any changes in the dissociation constant (Kd). ⋯ Administration of the melatonin receptor antagonist luzindole (10 mg/kg, s.c.) 30 min before melatonin injection did not change the melatonin-induced effects on the SRIF receptor effector system. In conclusion, the present results show that acute melatonin administration increases the activity of the SRIF receptor effector system and decreases Gialpha2 levels in the rat frontoparietal cortex. In addition, the coupling of Gs to AC is disturbed by melatonin.
The mechanism of the ototoxicity caused by cisplatin is based in the generation of reactive oxygen species, which interferes with the antioxidant protection of the organ of Corti. Conversely, the protection of the cochlea with antioxidants ameliorates the ototoxicity by cisplatin. The ototoxicity produced by cisplatin can be reversible or persistent, depending on the age of the patient, cumulative doses, number of chemotherapy cycles, history of noise exposure, and deteriorating renal function. ⋯ The ototoxicity produced by cisplatin was maximal from days 7 to 10 post-treatment, returning to normal values in a month. When melatonin and the antioxidant mixture were present, the recovery was between days 10 and 15 post-treatment, independent of the means of administration of the pineal product. We conclude that the ototoxicity caused by cisplatin is ameliorated by melatonin and other antioxidants.
Cardiac arrhythmias during ischemia/reperfusion are believed to be related to free radicals generated in the heart especially during the period of reperfusion. Since melatonin functions as a free radical scavenger and antioxidant, the ability of this molecule to influence cardiac arrhythmias was investigated. The pineal secretory product, melatonin, reduced the incidence and severity of arrhythmias induced by ischemia/reperfusion due to ligation of the anterior descending coronary artery in the isolated rat heart. ⋯ Melatonin was more potent than vitamin C in protecting against arrhythmias induced by ischemia/reperfusion. Besides melatonin's function as a broad spectrum free radical scavenger, melatonin may have also reduced cardiac arrhythmias due to its regulation of intracellular calcium levels, i.e., by preventing calcium overloading, or due to its ability to suppress sympathetic nerve function and reduce adrenergic receptor function in the myocardium. Additional studies into the mechanisms of melatonin's action in reducing cardiac arrhythmias due to ischemia/reperfusion or other causes are warranted because of the possible application of this information to humans with heart disease.