Anaesthesia and intensive care
Pethidine (meperidine) is a unique member of the opioid family. In addition to its analgesic activity, it also has significant local anaesthetic activity. ⋯ We describe the successful use of intrathecal pethidine 1 mg/kg for an elective lower segment caesarean section in a patient presumed to be allergic to amide local anaesthetics. There were no significant adverse effects in either the mother or the newborn.
Anaesth Intensive Care · Jan 2013
Multicenter StudyAustralian paediatric hyperbaric oxygen therapy 1998-2011.
For a large number of ischaemic, infective, inflammatory or traumatic conditions, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is either the only treatment or an adjunct that significantly reduces morbidity and mortality. The primary aim of this review is to identify clinical conditions treated in a paediatric population referred to Australian hyperbaric units. Secondary aims are to describe outcomes of treatment and detail any complications occurring during treatment or during transfer between units. ⋯ Central nervous system oxygen toxicity occurred in 1:366 treatments. Our findings indicate that provision of hyperbaric oxygen therapy to children is feasible in major regional hyperbaric units and is associated with low complication rates. Management of children in an adult hyperbaric facility, however, requires significant cooperation between paediatric, intensive care and hyperbaric consultants, as the need for transfer to another hospital and prolonged transports often impacts on optimal ongoing surgical and intensive care management.
Anaesth Intensive Care · Jan 2013
Clinical TrialOseltamivir pharmacokinetics in critically ill adults receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support.
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is known to affect pharmacokinetics and hence optimum dosing. The aim of this open label, prospective study was to investigate the pharmacokinetics of oseltamivir (prodrug) and oseltamivir carboxylate (active metabolite) during ECMO. Fourteen adult patients with suspected or confirmed H1N1 influenza were enrolled in the study. ⋯ Both area under the curve and Cmax were significantly correlated with serum creatinine (r2=0.37, P=0.02 and r2=0.29, P=0.02, respectively). Systemic exposure to oseltamivir carboxylate following the administration of enteral oseltamivir 75 mg twice daily in adult ECMO patients is comparable to those in ambulatory patients and far in excess of concentrations required to maximally inhibit neuraminidase activity of the H1N1 virus. Dosage adjustment for ECMO, per se, appears not to be necessary; however, doses should be reduced in patients with renal dysfunction.
Anaesth Intensive Care · Jan 2013
The relationship between patient data and pooled clinical management decisions.
A strong relationship between patient data and preoperative clinical decisions could potentially be used to support clinical decisions in preoperative management. The aim of this exploratory study was to determine the relationship between key patient data and pooled clinical opinions on management. In a previous study, panels of anaesthetists compared the quality of computer-assisted patient health assessments with outpatient consultations and made decisions on the need for preoperative tests, no preoperative outpatient assessment, possible postoperative intensive care unit/high dependency unit requirements and aspiration prophylaxis. ⋯ The factor types also varied, but included surgical complexity, age, gender, number of medications or comorbidities, body mass index, hypertension, central nervous system condition, heart disease, sleep apnoea, smoking, persistent pain and stroke. Models based on these relationships usually demonstrated good sensitivity and specificity, with receiver operating characteristics in the following areas under curve: blood picture (0.75), biochemistry (0.86), coagulation studies (0.71), electrocardiography (0.90), chest X-ray (0.85), outpatient assessment (0.85), postoperative intensive care unit requirement (0.88) and aspiration prophylaxis (0.85). These initial results suggest modelling of patient data may have utility supporting clinicians' preoperative decisions.