Anaesthesia and intensive care
Anaesth Intensive Care · Apr 2006
ReviewMethods to assess performance of models estimating risk of death in intensive care patients: a review.
Models that estimate the probability of death of intensive care unit patients can be used to stratify patients according to the severity of their condition and to control for casemix and severity of illness. These models have been used for risk adjustment in quality monitoring, administration, management and research and as an aid to clinical decision making. Models such as the Mortality Prediction Model family, SAPS II, APACHE II, APACHE III and the organ system failure models provide estimates of the probability of in-hospital death of ICU patients. ⋯ These attributes should be assessed in existing models that predict the probability of patient mortality, and in any subsequent model that is developed for the purposes of estimating these probabilities. The literature contains a range of approaches for assessment which are reviewed and a survey of the methodologies used in studies of intensive care mortality models is presented. The systematic approach used by Standards for Reporting Diagnostic Accuracy provides a framework to incorporate these theoretical considerations of model assessment and recommendations are made for evaluation and presentation of the performance of models that estimate the probability of death of intensive care patients.
Anaesth Intensive Care · Apr 2006
Case ReportsPneumothorax from intrapleural placement of a nasogastric tube.
Nasogastric tube insertion is a commonly performed procedure that can be associated with significant morbidity and even mortality. There is no universally accepted technique to confirm correct placement. ⋯ Due to the deficiencies of traditional confirmatory bedside techniques, and the limitations of modern and more sophisticated confirmatory methods, the plain chest X-ray remains the gold standard test to confirm correct nasogastric tube placement. We appraise the methods commonly employed to confirm nasogastric tube placement, and discuss factors that may increase the risk of misplacement.
Anaesth Intensive Care · Apr 2006
Case ReportsSubdural spinal haematoma after epidural anaesthesia in a patient with spinal canal stenosis.
A 60-year-old male with a past history of T12 fracture had epidural analgesia for a radical prostatectomy. It was unknown prior to epidural insertion that the patient had a canal stenosis at T12 from the previous injury. ⋯ The patient made a successful recovery with conservative management. Neuraxial blockade should be approached with caution in patients with previous back injury, and only after a thorough assessment has been obtained to exclude spinal canal stenosis.
Anaesth Intensive Care · Apr 2006
Estimate of the number of patients eligible for treatment with drotrecogin alfa (activated) based on differing international indications: post-hoc analysis of an inception cohort study in Australia and New Zealand.
We aimed to estimate the potential number of patients eligible for treatment with drotrecogin alfa (activated) when applying different international criteria. The study was a post-hoc analysis of inception cohort study of 691 patients with severe sepsis during 5878 consecutive intensive care unit admission episodes in 23 closed multi-disciplinary ICUs of 21 hospitals (16 tertiary and 5 university-affiliated) in Australia and New Zealand. Outcomes assessed were presence of contraindications to treatment with drotrecogin alfa (activated), an admission APACHE II score of 25 or greater and dysfunction of two or more organs. ⋯ Two hundred and six patients (3.5%, 3.0-4.0%) had an APACHE II score of 25 or greater, 452 (7.7%, 7.0-8.4%) had dysfunction of two or more organs, 469 (8.0%, 7.3-8.7%) had either dysfunction of two or more organs or an APACHE II score of 25 or greater Relatively few patients had an absolute contraindication to treatment with drotrecogin alfa (activated). Selection based on the APACHE II score results in fewer eligible patients than selection based on multiple organ dysfunction. Depending on the selection criteria used, for every hundred admissions to intensive care, between 3.5 and 8.0 of patients may be eligible for treatment with drotrecogin alfa (activated).
Anaesth Intensive Care · Apr 2006
Quality of life at three years after cardiac surgery: relationship with preoperative status and quality of recovery.
A reduction in symptoms, increased longevity, and improved quality of life (QoL), are goals of cardiac surgery. We measured QoL in 108 adult cardiac surgical patients at about three years after cardiac surgery, and assessed the predictive ability of a 40-item quality of recovery (QoR-40) score. Our follow-up rate was 86% (n = 93). ⋯ A poor quality recovery in the days after surgery can predict a poor QoL at three years after surgery. The QoR-40 is a valid and reliable measure of quality of recovery after surgery and anaesthesia. The QoR-40 is a useful, patient-oriented method of assessing recovery from anaesthesia and surgery.