The Clinical journal of pain
Clinical guidelines recommend that health care providers assist children to understand their experience of persistent pain, with pain science education a key component of clinical management in pediatric pain clinics. Currently, no tool exists to assess a child's concept of pain. The aim of this study was to develop such a tool and to evaluate its psychometric properties. ⋯ These results support the COPI as a brief, psychometrically sound tool to assess a child's concept of pain. Clinically, this tool may facilitate individualized pain science education to target identified conceptual "gaps" or misconceptions and to evaluate the effectiveness of pain science education in children. Further research examining its efficacy and impact is warranted.
Meta Analysis
Perioperative Pregabalin for Preventive Analgesia in Breast Cancer Surgery: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.
Pregabalin is a drug for neuropathic pain. Antipronociceptive properties of pregabalin have led to its recent use as an adjuvant to the multimodal postoperative pain regimen. This meta-analysis was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of perioperative pregabalin on acute and chronic postsurgical pain (CPSP) after breast cancer surgery. ⋯ This study demonstrated that pregabalin showed more efficacy on chronic pain than acute pain after a breast cancer surgery. Further study based on doses and treatment course of pregabalin should be conducted to establish stronger evidence of treatment effects.
Prior work in a cohort of youth with functional abdominal pain (FAP) identified patient subgroups (High Pain Dysfunctional, High Pain Adaptive, Low Pain Adaptive) that predicted differences in the course of FAP from childhood into young adulthood. We aimed to replicate these subgroups in a new sample of adolescents with FAP using the original classification algorithm and to extend subgroup characteristics to include parental characteristics and health service use. ⋯ Findings replicate and extend the original FAP classification and suggest that the subgroups have unique patient and parent features that may reflect distinct illness mechanisms requiring different treatments.
Loss-adjusting: Young People's Constructions of a Future Living with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic pain condition that can present specific difficulties when occurring in adolescence. There is limited work exploring future narratives of healthy adolescents, and how these may differ for those who have chronic health conditions, but there is no research on the future narratives of adolescents who have CRPS. ⋯ CRPS may damage the future plans of adolescents. However, being or learning how to be flexible about these goals, may help them to build more positive future narratives.