Pediatric emergency care
Pediatric emergency care · Apr 2020
Procedural Training and Assessment for Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physicians Within the United States and Canada: A Survey Study.
The aims of this study were to determine current practices in procedural training and skill assessment for attending physicians working in pediatric emergency departments within the United States and Canada and identify barriers to providing training and assessment. ⋯ Although pediatric emergency medicine physicians may be required to perform emergent procedures, opportunities to receive training and assessment in these procedures are limited. Simulation and other educational modalities are being used to provide skill training and assessment, but cost and lack of resources, standardized protocols, and faculty interest are barriers to the implementation of training and assessment programs.
Pediatric emergency care · Apr 2020
Randomized Controlled TrialRandomized Controlled Trial of Acute Illness Educational Intervention in the Pediatric Emergency Department: Written Versus Application-Based Education.
The aim of this study was to determine the (1) feasibility, (2) demand, (3) acceptability, and (4) usefulness of a mobile health (mHealth) application (app) compared with a written intervention distributed in a pediatric emergency department (ED). ⋯ There was low demand for an mHealth app with parents who prefer, accept, and use the book more. Giving written health information to vulnerable populations in a pediatric ED has the capacity to empower parents with knowledge to care for a child and potentially decrease future nonurgent ED use with translation into a larger study.
Pediatric emergency care · Apr 2020
Review Case ReportsClosed Digital Artery Injury in Children: A Case Report and Review of the Literature.
Closed digital artery injury is a very rare phenomenon, even more so in children, with only 5 cases reported in the literature. We report a case of closed digital arterial interruption in a child after crush injury to the left hand. We further discuss possible etiologies and describe adequate management as found in the pertinent literature. Digital arterial injury should be suspected even in closed hand trauma because a delay in recognition may lead to devastating consequences.
Pediatric emergency care · Apr 2020
ReviewEmergency Department Implementation of the Brain Trauma Foundation's Pediatric Severe Brain Injury Guideline Recommendations.
The "Guidelines for the Management of Pediatric Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, Third Edition: Update of the Brain Trauma Foundation Guidelines" published in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine in 2019 provides new and updated recommendations applicable to the emergency department management of children with severe traumatic brain injury. Practice-changing takeaways include specific recommendations for administration of 3% hypertonic saline, administration of seizure prophylaxis, and avoiding hyperventilation.