Pediatric emergency care
Pediatric emergency care · Jun 2024
Variability in Occult Injury Screening Among Siblings/Household Contacts of Physical Abuse Victims.
The objective of this study is to examine radiologic occult injury screening performance/yield among contacts presenting for precautionary medical assessments and assess factors associated with deferred screening. ⋯ Despite national clinical practice guidelines, studies of abusive injury prevalence and radiologic yield among at-risk contacts exposed to unsafe environments are few. Screening evaluations inclusive of physical examination and radiologic studies identify abuse concerns among at-risk contacts. Further study of factors impacting radiologic screening decisions is needed. Considerations to advance epidemiologic research include standardized diagnostic coding and prospective assessment of radiologic yield.
Pediatric emergency care · Jun 2024
Diagnosis of Fever Source Following Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy in the Pediatric Emergency Department.
This study aimed to describe the epidemiology and diagnoses of children with postoperative fever (a temperature of 38°C or higher) during the week after tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy and to assess the yield of the laboratory tests and otolaryngologist consultations of these patients in the pediatric emergency department (ED). ⋯ The results of this investigation revealed that the source of fever of the overwhelming majority of children who were referred to the pediatric ED for fever after undergoing tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy was pneumonia as determined by chest radiography, which can be performed in an outpatient setting. Blood tests and otolaryngologist consultations were not contributory in classifying the source of fever, questioning the value of their routine use in these patients.
Pediatric emergency care · Jun 2024
Observational StudyCombination of Intranasal Dexmedetomidine and Midazolam for Sedation in Pediatric Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Retrospective Observational Study.
Intranasal dexmedetomidine associated with midazolam has been used for pediatric magnetic resonance imaging studies because immobility is a fundamental requirement for correct execution. Many studies have shown dexmedetomidine to be a good option for non-operating room sedation. However, identifying the optimal dose remains a key challenge, especially for pediatric patients. ⋯ Our experience with association of intranasal dexmedetomidine and midazolam has a high success rate, with high effectiveness and safety.
Women in medicine have reported gender-specific obstacles to career success, such as a dearth of mentors and role models. Pediatric emergency medicine (PEM) is a female-dominated subspecialty of pediatrics yet is still impacted by gender inequality in many areas. No previous study has explored mentoring experiences of women PEM physicians and the impact on their career trajectory. We sought to explore the experiences of female PEM physicians with mentorship to determine aspects of mentoring that were successful or unsuccessful. ⋯ We identified 4 themes that could be incorporated into mentoring programs and are associated with successful experiences for women PEM physicians. The detail and descriptions in our data provide guidance for mentoring programs that specifically address the needs of women in PEM.