Pediatric emergency care
Pediatric emergency care · Feb 2025
Accuracy of Visual Estimation of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Compared With Echocardiography in Children.
This study compared visual assessments of left ventricular systolic function in children by pediatric physicians with quantitative measurements using the Simpson method. ⋯ The study suggests that visual assessment of LVEF in children is reliable when conducted by experienced pediatricians familiar with echocardiography. However, the results of this study are primarily applicable to the assessment of normal or near-normal left ventricular function.
Pediatric emergency care · Feb 2025
Suicide Prevention and Telehealth in Children's Hospital Emergency Departments.
Suicide is a leading cause of death among adolescents. Emergency department (ED) visits for mental health concerns are rising, and telehealth is increasingly used to provide emergency mental health care. We conducted a national survey to describe suicide prevention practices and tele-mental health care in children's hospital EDs. ⋯ Approximately half of children's hospital EDs use tele-mental health care, and hospitals with versus without tele-mental health care report similar rates of suicide prevention practice use. Opportunities exist to increase use of discharge safety practices.
Pediatric emergency care · Feb 2025
Epidemiology of Emergency Department Visits for Children With Clinically Significant Cardiovascular Disease.
The aim of the study is to determine the epidemiology, cost, and factors associated with hospital admission, deterioration if hospitalized, and mortality for children with a history of clinically significant cardiovascular disease (CVD) presenting to pediatric emergency departments (EDs). ⋯ ED visits for children with clinically significant CVD lead to substantial resource utilization, including frequent hospitalization, ICU level of care, and costs. This baseline data aids in the development of prospective studies to inform the appropriate ED management for children with clinically significant CVD.
Pediatric emergency care · Feb 2025
Highlights From the 2023 Revision of Pediatric Tactical Emergency Casualty Care Guidelines.
In 2023 the Committee for Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (C-TECC) issued updated Pediatric Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) Guidelines ( Guidelines ) that focus on the delivery of stabilizing care of children who are the victims of high-threat incidents such as an active shooter event. The Guidelines provide evidence-based and best practice recommendations to those individuals and departments that specifically provide operational medical support to law enforcement agencies caring for children in this uniquely dangerous environment where traditional resources may not be available. This article highlights key takeaway points from the Guidelines , including several updates since the first version was released in 2013. ⋯ The high-threat environment is dynamic and there is competing safety, tactical/operational, and patient care priorities for responders when infants and children are injured. The Guidelines provide recommendations on the type of medical and psychological care that should be considered under each phase of threat and establishes the context for how and why to deliver (or potentially defer) certain interventions under some circumstances in order the maximize the opportunity for a good outcome for an injured pediatric patient. The Guidelines also emphasize the importance of synergizing hospital-based pediatric trauma care with those law enforcement and fire/emergency medical services that may provide field care to children under high-threat circumstances.