The Journal of international medical research
Objective To examine the relationship of pulmonary parameters and functional capacity with quality of life (QoL) in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). Methods Thirty-six patients with chronic AF were included in this cross-sectional study. QoL was assessed with the Medical Outcomes Survey 36-item Short Form (SF-36) and Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ). ⋯ The MLHFQ total score was correlated with the maximum inspiratory pressure (r = -0.542), maximum expiratory pressure (r = -0.384), 6MWT distance (r = -0.535), resting Borg dyspnea score (r = 0.641), and resting Borg fatigue score (r = 0.703). The resting Borg fatigue score was the significant independent predictor of the SF-36 physical component score and the MLHFQ total score. Conclusion Respiratory muscle strength, functional capacity measured with the 6MWT, and resting symptoms including dyspnea and fatigue may have an impact on QoL in patients with AF.
Meta Analysis
Efficacy of parecoxib sodium on postoperative shivering: meta-analysis of clinical trials.
Objective To evaluate the effect of parecoxib on preventing postoperative shivering. Methods Main outcomes were the relative risk (odds ratio, OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) relative to the incidence of shivering. Results Fourteen trials with 1,175 patients were analyzed. ⋯ Compared with placebo, there was no significant association of parecoxib sodium with restlessness [OR = 0.95, 95% CI (0.59, 1.52)] or nausea/vomiting [OR = 0.24, 95% CI (0.09, 0.66)]. In addition, pethidine rescue was used significantly more often in the control group than in the parecoxib sodium group [OR = 0.22, 95% CI (0.09, 0.53)]. Conclusions Parecoxib sodium may be an effective strategy for preventing postoperative shivering.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Efficacy of Pentax airway scope versus Macintosh laryngoscope when used by novice personnel: A prospective randomized controlled study.
Objective To determine whether intubation education using the Pentax Airway Scope (AWS) in normal airways is more useful than direct laryngoscopy (Macintosh laryngoscope) in novice personnel. Methods Eleven intern doctors without intubation experience performed 60 sequential intubations with each device on a manikin and 10 sequential intubations in adult patients. The time required for successful intubation, percentage of glottic opening (POGO) score, number of intubation attempts, and number of dental injuries were analyzed for each intubation technique. ⋯ Fewer dental injuries occurred with the Pentax AWS in the manikin study. Conclusions Novices performed intubation more rapidly and easily with an improved laryngeal view using the Pentax AWS. We suggest that intubation education with video laryngoscopy should be mandatory along with direct laryngoscope training.
Objective This study was performed to evaluate the effect of sex on bronchial parameters and the predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 s expressed as a percentage of the forced vital capacity (FEV1% pred) on pulmonary function testing. Methods The data of 359 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with available FEV1% pred and computed tomography (CT) images were retrospectively reviewed. FACT-Digital lung TM software (DeXin, Xi'an, China) was used to perform fully automated three-dimensional CT quantitative measurements of the bronchi. ⋯ The FEV1% pred was significantly lower in women than men in the smoking and smoking cessation groups. The FEV1% pred was significantly higher in women than men in the nonsmoking group. Conclusion Sex-related differences may partially explain why smoking women experience more severe pulmonary function impairment than men among patients with COPD.
Case Reports
Minimally invasive treatment of unstable pelvic ring injuries with modified pedicle screw-rod fixator.
Objective To evaluate the clinical application of the minimally invasive modified pedicle screw-rod fixator for unstable pelvic ring injuries, including its feasibility, merits, and limitations. Methods Twenty-three patients (13 males, 10 females; average age, 36.3 years) with unstable pelvic ring injuries underwent anterior fixation using a modified pedicle screw-rod fixator with or without posterior fixation using a transiliac internal fixator. The clinical findings were assessed using Majeed scores. ⋯ The quality of fracture reduction was excellent in 12 patients, good in 8, and fair in 3. Heterotopic ossification occurred in eight patients; all were asymptomatic. Conclusions Minimally invasive modified pedicle screw-rod fixation is an effective alternative treatment for pelvic ring injuries.