Journal of general internal medicine
Anticoagulation poses unique challenges for women of reproductive age. Clinicians prescribing anticoagulants must counsel patients on issues ranging from menstruation and the possibility of developing a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst to teratogenic risks and safety with breastfeeding. Abnormal uterine bleeding affects up to 70% of young women who are treated with anticoagulation. ⋯ During pregnancy, enoxaparin remains the preferred anticoagulant and warfarin is contraindicated. Breastfeeding women may use warfarin, but direct oral anticoagulants are not recommended given their limited safety data. This practical guide for clinicians is designed to inform discussions of risks and benefits of anticoagulation therapy for women of reproductive age.
Observational Study
Characteristics Associated with Low-Value Cancer Screening Among Office-Based Physician Visits by Older Adults in the USA.
After a certain age, cancer screening may expose older adults to unnecessary harms with limited benefits and represent inefficient use of health care resources. ⋯ Thousands of cervical, breast, and colorectal cancer screenings at ages beyond routine guideline thresholds occur each year in the USA. Further research is needed to understand whether this pattern represents clinical inertia and resistance to de-adoption of previous screening practices, or whether physicians and/or patients perceive a higher value in these tests than that endorsed by experts writing evidence-based guidelines.
Dyskalemia involves critical electrolyte abnormalities and increases mortality risk in patients with acute clinical conditions. However, the association between dyskalemia and adverse outcomes in the general population is less well established. ⋯ Hyperkalemia is associated with an increased risk of all-cause and CVD death, and this risk is more pronounced in patients with multiple risk factors. Our findings suggest that early identification and management of hyperkalemia in the general population are warranted.
Reliable assessments of clinical skills are important for undergraduate medical education, trustworthy handoffs to graduate medical programs, and safe, effective patient care. Entrustable professional activities (EPAs) for entering residency have been developed; research is needed to assess reliability of such assessments in authentic clinical workspaces. ⋯ Work place-based clinical skills in IM clerkship students were assessed and logged using a convenient mobile platform. Our analysis suggests that 9-11 observations are needed for these EPA workplace-based assessments (WBAs) to achieve a reliability index of 0.7. Note writing was very sensitive to case complexity. Further reliability analyses of core EPAs are needed before US medical schools consider wider adoption into summative entrustment processes and GME handoffs.
Observational Study
High-Cost Users of Prescription Drugs: National Health Insurance Data from South Korea.
In OECD countries, pharmaceutical spending reached around 800 billion USD in 2013, accounting for about 20% of total spending in the retail sector. Pharmaceutical expenditures are steadily increasing in South Korea, necessitating strategies to promote efficiency. ⋯ Age and multiple chronic conditions were strongly associated with HCUs, and it seems necessary to reduce drug prescriptions in patients without complex comorbidities. Several measures should target those without multiple chronic conditions who are nonetheless HCUs.