Journal of general internal medicine
Randomized Controlled Trial Observational Study
Leisure-Time Physical Activity, Time Spent Sitting and Risk of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study in Puglia.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disease in the world. The increasingly sedentary lifestyle in recent years may have accelerated the development of NAFLD, independent of the level of physical activity. ⋯ The study thus showed that the amount of LTPA and the amount of TSS are associated with development and progression of NAFLD, but this relationship is not a linear one-especially in women aged ≥ 50 years old.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Enhancing Primary Care and Mental Health Integration for Women Veterans with Complex Healthcare Needs Using Evidence-Based Quality Improvement.
Women Veterans with co-morbid medical and mental health conditions face persistent barriers accessing high-quality health care. Evidence-based quality improvement (EBQI) offers a systematic approach to implementing new care models that can address care gaps for women Veterans. ⋯ Successful practice transformation emerges through the interaction of evidence-based methods and site-specific characteristics. Examining how clinic characteristics support or impede EBQI adaptation can facilitate efforts to improve care within integrated health systems.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Effectiveness of a Population Health Intervention on Disparities in Hypertension Control: A Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial.
Disparities in hypertension control across race, ethnicity, and language have been a long-standing problem in the United States. ⋯ Utilizing data on disparities in quality outcome measures in routine clinical practice augmented by clinical support provided by PHCs and CHWs led to modest, but statistically significant, improvement in hypertension control among BIPOC, Hispanic, and LEP patients.
Randomized Controlled Trial
A Randomized Controlled Trial to Improve Unmet Social Needs and Clinical Outcomes Among Adults with Diabetes.
Adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes often face financial challenges and other unmet social needs to effective diabetes self-management. ⋯ ID NCT03950973, May 2019.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Natural Product Use Among Veterans with Chronic Pain: A Qualitative Study of Attitudes and Communication with Healthcare Providers.
Despite mixed evidence regarding the safety and efficacy of natural products, many are marketed for pain and related symptoms. Use of these products is prevalent among veterans, who have disproportionately high rates of chronic pain. To date, however, there is limited research on veterans' beliefs and attitudes about natural products and their communication with healthcare providers about their natural product use. ⋯ Veterans wish to have more productive conversations with providers about natural products. They value providers' open-mindedness towards natural products and transparency about limitations in their knowledge. Suggestions for how providers and healthcare systems might better support veterans interested in natural products are discussed.