Journal of general internal medicine
Primary care physicians (PCPs) are often the first line of defense against skin cancers. Despite this, many PCPs do not receive a comprehensive training in skin conditions. Educational interventions aimed at skin cancer screening instruction for PCPs offer an opportunity to detect skin cancer at earlier stages and subsequent improved morbidity and mortality. ⋯ The interventions varied widely in design, including literature-based interventions, live teaching sessions, and online courses with durations ranging from 5 min to 24 months. While several interventions demonstrated improvements in skin cancer knowledge and competency by written exams, only a few revealed positive clinical practice changes by biopsy review or referral analysis. Examining successful interventions could aid in developing a skin cancer detection curriculum for PCPs that can produce positive clinical practice and population-based changes in the management of skin cancer.
Assessing residents and clinical fellows is a high-stakes activity. Effective assessment is important throughout training so that identified areas of strength and weakness can guide educational planning to optimize outcomes. Assessment has historically been underemphasized although medical education oversight organizations have strengthened requirements in recent years. ⋯ Finally, we recommend ways to achieve the stated goals, including the following: (1) assess and promote the development of competency in all trainees, not just outliers, through a shared model of assessment and competency-based advancement; (2) strengthen CCC assessment processes to determine trainee readiness for independent practice; and (3) promote trainee reflection and informed self-assessment. The importance of coaching for competency, robust workplace-based assessments, feedback, and co-production of individualized learning plans are emphasized. Individual programs and their CCCs must strengthen assessment tools and frameworks to realize the potential of competency-oriented education.
Vaccine hesitancy is challenging for clinicians and of increasing concern since COVID-19 vaccination rollout began. Standardized patients (SPs) provide an ideal method for assessing resident physicians' current skills, providing opportunity to practice and gain immediate feedback, while also informing evaluation of curriculum and training. As such, we designed and implemented an OSCE station where residents were tasked with engaging and educating a vaccine-hesitant patient. ⋯ This needs assessment suggests that many residents needed in-the-moment feedback, additional education, and vaccine-specific communication practice. Our program plans to reinforce evidence-based practices physicians can implement for vaccine hesitancy through ongoing curriculum, practice, and feedback. This type of needs assessment is replicable at other institutions and can be used, as we have, to ultimately shed light on next steps for programmatic improvement.
In 2021, The American Association of Medical Colleges released a framework addressing structural racism in academic medicine, following the significant, nationwide Movement for Black Lives. The first step of this framework is to "begin self-reflection and educating ourselves." Indeed, ample evidence shows that medical schools have a long history of racially exclusionary practices. Drawing on racialized organizations theory from the field of sociology, we compile and examine scholarship on the role of race and racism in medical training, focusing on disparities in educational and career outcomes, experiences along racial lines in medical training, and long-term implications. ⋯ Trainees' mental health suffers along the way, as do medical schools' recruitment, retention, diversity, and inclusion efforts. Evidence shows that seemingly race-neutral processes and structures within medical education, in conjunction with individuals' biases and interpersonal discrimination, may reproduce and sustain racial inequality among medical trainees. Medical schools whose goals include training a more diverse physician workforce towards addressing racial health disparities require a new playbook.
Meta Analysis
Efficacy of Brief Intervention for Unhealthy Drug Use in Outpatient Medical Care: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
The efficacy of brief intervention (BI) for unhealthy drug use in outpatient medical care has not been sufficiently substantiated through meta-analysis despite its ongoing global delivery. This study aims to determine the efficacy of BI for unhealthy drug use and the expected length of effects, and describe subgroup analyses by outpatient setting. ⋯ PROSPERO (CRD42020157733).