Journal of general internal medicine
Randomized Controlled Trial
Informational Postcards Increase Engagement with Remote Monitoring Among Veterans with Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators: a Stepped-Wedge Randomized Controlled Trial.
Remote monitoring (RM) of pacemakers and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) reduces morbidity and mortality. However, many patients are not adherent to RM. ⋯ Informational postcards led to a 24.4% absolute increase in adherence at 70 days among Veterans with pacemakers and ICDs who were non-adherent to RM.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Implementation of Direct-to-Patient Mobile Teledermatology in VA.
Innovative technology can enhance patient access to healthcare but must be successfully implemented to be effective. ⋯ NCT03241589.
Letter Randomized Controlled Trial
Effect of Care Management on Cholesterol for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness: a Secondary Analysis of an RCT.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Automated Reminders Enhance Mailed Fecal Immunochemical Test Completion Among Veterans: a Randomized Controlled Trial.
The Veterans Affairs (VHA) is working to establish a population-based colorectal cancer screening program for average-risk patients using mailed fecal immunochemical testing (FIT). However, low response rates to mailed FIT may hinder success. Key features of mailed FIT programs, including the use of reminders, differ among various national programs, with limited evidence among veterans. ⋯ Automated reminders increased colorectal cancer screening completion among average-risk veterans. An automated phone call or text message was equally effective. VHA facilities seeking to implement a mailed FIT program should consider using phone or text reminders, depending on available resources.
Letter Randomized Controlled Trial
"Yoga Versus Education for Veterans with Chronic Low Back Pain: a Randomized Controlled Trial".