Journal of pain and symptom management
J Pain Symptom Manage · Jun 2016
The Opioid Rotation Ratio from Transdermal Fentanyl to "Strong" Opioids in Patients with Cancer Pain.
One-third of cancer patients require opioid rotation (OR) to treat uncontrolled pain or opioid-induced neurotoxicity. Although fentanyl is the most frequently rotated opioid in cancer patients, the accurate opioid rotation ratio (ORR) from transdermal fentanyl (TDF) to other so-called "strong" opioids is unknown. ⋯ The median ORR from TDF mg/day to MEDD is 100 and from TDF mcg/hour to MEDD is 2.4, suggesting that TDF 100 mcg/hour is equivalent to an MEDD of 240 mg.
J Pain Symptom Manage · Jun 2016
The Multidimensional Orientation Toward Dying and Death Inventory (MODDI-F): Factorial Validity and Reliability in a U.S. Sample.
Death anxiety has been hypothesized to be a transdiagnostic construct, meaning that the fear of death may increase one's vulnerability to the development or maintenance of a number of psychological disorders. As such, effective and efficient measurement of this construct becomes a priority for hospice and palliative medicine specialists. The Multidimensional Orientation Toward Dying and Death Inventory (MODDI-F) is the only factor-analytically constructed multidimensional scale with a conceptual rationale that measures both the fear and acceptance of dying and death. ⋯ The results from this psychometric investigation of the English-language version of the MODDI-F are promising and warrant further investigation with clinical populations in hospice and palliative care settings.
J Pain Symptom Manage · Jun 2016
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter StudySaw Palmetto for Symptom Management During Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer.
Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTSs) affect 75%-80% of men undergoing radiation therapy (RT) for prostate cancer. ⋯ SP at 960 mg may be a safe herbal supplement, but its efficacy in managing LUTS during RT needs further investigation.
J Pain Symptom Manage · Jun 2016
A Rasch Analysis of Assessments of Morning and Evening Fatigue in Oncology Patients Using the Lee Fatigue Scale.
To accurately investigate diurnal variations in fatigue, a measure needs to be psychometrically sound and demonstrate stable item function in relationship to time of day. Rasch analysis is a modern psychometric approach that can be used to evaluate these characteristics. ⋯ Excluding four items from the morning fatigue scale and three items from the evening fatigue scale improved the psychometric properties of the LFS for assessing diurnal variations in fatigue severity in oncology patients.
J Pain Symptom Manage · Jun 2016
Prescription and Deprescription of Medication During the Last 48 Hours of Life: Multicenter Study in 23 Acute Geriatric Wards in Flanders, Belgium.
Palliative care for the older person is often limited, resulting in poor quality of dying. Pharmacological management can be one of the components to achieve better symptom control. ⋯ Anticipatory prescription of medication and deprescription of medication at the end of life in acute geriatric wards could be further optimized. A well-developed intervention to guide health care staff in patient-centered pharmacological management in the last days of life seems to be needed.