Journal of pain and symptom management
J Pain Symptom Manage · Jul 2019
ReviewSymptom Clusters in People Living With HIV: A Systematic Review.
An increasing number of studies regarding symptom management have begun to shift their focus from managing a single symptom to multiple symptom clusters. However, there is a lack of consistency of compositions among different studies and even in two different analyses reported in a single study within the same population. ⋯ This systematic review summarized the compositions, measures, and analytical techniques of symptom clusters for PLWH. Although this review found unstable results on the compositions of symptom clusters and it was difficult to reach a definitive conclusion, the results still implicate the necessity of developing a threshold to decide what symptoms should be included in the clusters and the use of multiple data analysis techniques to obtain stable results.
J Pain Symptom Manage · Jul 2019
ReviewSymptom experience of children with cancer younger than 8 years of age: an integrative review.
Children with cancer endure multiple symptoms during treatment. However, there remains a lack of systematic approaches to capture the whole picture of the symptom experience of children with cancer younger than eight years of age. ⋯ Children with cancer younger than eight years of age experience multiple symptoms. There is a need to investigate the full symptom profiles of these young children in consideration of their developmental nuances; to examine the concordance among different symptom reporters; and to conduct more qualitative studies to explore their symptom experience.
J Pain Symptom Manage · Jul 2019
Interprofessional Team Member Communication Patterns, Teamwork, and Collaboration in Pre-family Meeting Huddles in a Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit.
Interprofessional teams often develop a care plan before engaging in a family meeting in the pediatric cardiac intensive care unit (CICU)-a process that can affect the course of the family meeting and alter team dynamics but that has not been studied. ⋯ Interprofessional team members' interactions in team meetings provide important information about team dynamics, revealing potential opportunities for improved collaboration and communication in team meetings and subsequent family meetings.