Journal of child neurology
Key features of Joubert syndrome include developmental delay, hypotonia, hyperpnea and apnea, oculomotor apraxia, and the presence of the molar tooth sign on axial imaging through the brainstem isthmus--the junction of the pons and mesencephalon. Interestingly, 1 in 10 patients with Joubert syndrome has abnormal cerebrospinal fluid collections misdiagnosed as Dandy-Walker variants. Because of important differences in patient management, genetic counseling, and prognosis between these conditions, we undertook a study to determine if the brainstem isthmus is normal in Dandy-Walker syndrome. ⋯ Although the pons can be hypoplastic in Dandy-Walker syndrome, we conclude that the pontomesencephalic junction is normal. Thus, the molar tooth sign can effectively distinguish between Joubert and Dandy-Walker syndromes. Genetic heterogeneity or epigenetic factors may account for abnormal cerebrospinal fluid collections in some cases of Joubert syndrome.
The case of a 9-year-old boy with hemichorea due to cavernous hemangioma in the left caudate nucleus is presented. To our knowledge, only two children have been reported with hemichorea associated with cavernous hemangioma. Hemichorea in our patient responded to pimozide, a neuroleptic that blocks central nervous system dopaminergic receptors.
As video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for thymectomy has been reported to be as effective as traditional open surgical approaches in predominantly adult patients with myasthenia gravis, we applied this procedure to juvenile patients with this condition. Six patients underwent total thymectomy using the video-assisted technique (1997-98). Six patients in whom a median transsternal approach was used (1989-95) formed the comparison group. ⋯ Minimum post-thymectomy duration of follow-up in the video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery patients was 2.3 years (mean 2.7 years), with all patients clinically improved over their baseline status. Preliminary results suggest that video-assisted thymectomies are comparably effective to transsternal procedures in treating generalized juvenile myasthenia gravis and can be safely performed in children as young as 20 months of age. In addition, video-assisted surgeries are less invasive than transsternal approaches, significantly shorten the postoperative hospital stay, and have superior cosmetic results.
Central sleep apnea is a common respiratory pattern in healthy neonates. Nevertheless, frequent central sleep apnea associated with drops in oxygen saturation may contribute to infantile morbidity. Recently, low-dose acetazolamide was shown to reduce symptomatic central sleep apnea in adults. ⋯ This improvement was maintained in the final polysomnography (12 weeks after therapy was begun and 1 week after completion of the 11-week course). No adverse effects were noted. We conclude that low-dose acetazolamide treatment may be useful for the treatment of central infantile sleep apnea associated with hypoxemia.
To assess the role of electroencephalography (EEG) in the pediatric emergency department, we reviewed the records of all patients having an EEG in the pediatric emergency department of our hospital between 1995 and 1997. EEG findings, clinical presentations, and follow-up data were analyzed, and patients were distributed into three groups according to clinical presentation: group 1 included patients with new-onset seizures, group 2 included patients with known epilepsy presenting with worsening seizures and altered mentation, and group 3 comprised patients with acute confusional states. Overall, 56 patients with 57 EEGs were included. ⋯ Ongoing seizures were promptly excluded in the remainder. The EEG directly contributed to the diagnosis in 84% of all referrals in the pediatric emergency department, either being abnormal and leading to a diagnosis of a seizure disorder or confirming low suspicion for seizures. Thus, a prompt EEG should be considered in children with new-onset seizures and unexplained altered consciousness.