Current medical research and opinion
To quantify the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and economic burden of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). ⋯ CLL imposes a significant HRQoL and economic burden. Our systematic review shows that an unmet need persists in CLL for treatments that delay progression while minimizing AEs. Studies suggest targeted therapies may reduce the economic burden of CLL, but longer follow-up data are needed.
Introduction: Treatment adherence continues to be a major challenge in psoriasis. Patient preference studies, especially discrete-choice experiments, are gaining popularity to gather insights into patient reported treatment outcomes. This systematic literature review aimed to critically assess all discrete choice experiments exploring patients' and physicians' preferences for psoriasis treatment characteristics. ⋯ Factors such as age, disease severity, and duration of condition significantly affected preferences for treatment attributes. Conclusions: This review provides insight into the types of attributes that patients and physicians value most, and therefore can help improve shared decision-making. The findings of this study also encourage regulatory agencies to continue integrating patient preferences in their decision-making.
Cardiac arrhythmias are the most common cardiac complication reported in pregnant women with and without structural heart disease (SHD); they are more frequent among women with SHD, such as cardiomyopathy and congenital heart disease (CHD). While older studies had indicated supraventricular tachycardia as the most common tachyarrhythmia in pregnancy, more recent data indicate an increase in the frequency of arrhythmias, with atrial fibrillation (AF) emerging as the most frequent arrhythmia in pregnancy, attributed to an increase in maternal age, cardiovascular risk factors and CHD in pregnancy. Importantly, the presence of any tachyarrhythmia during pregnancy may be associated with adverse maternal and fetal outcomes, including death. ⋯ Regarding the anticoagulation regimen in patients with AF, warfarin should be substituted with heparin during the first trimester, while direct oral anticoagulants are not indicated given the lack of data in pregnancy. Finally, for refractory arrhythmias, ablation and/or device implantation can be performed with current techniques in pregnant women, when needed, using minimal exposure to radiation. All these issues and relevant current guidelines are herein reviewed.
Meta Analysis Comparative Study
The importance of considering differences in study and patient characteristics before undertaking indirect treatment comparisons: a case study of siponimod for secondary progressive multiple sclerosis.
Background: Indirect treatment comparisons (ITCs) provide valuable evidence on comparative efficacy where head-to-head clinical trials do not exist; however, differences in patient populations may introduce bias. Therefore, it is essential to assess between-trial heterogeneity to determine the suitability of synthesizing ITC results. We provide an illustrative case study in multiple sclerosis (MS) where we assess the feasibility of conducting ITCs between siponimod and interferon beta-1b (IFN β-1b) and between siponimod and ocrelizumab. ⋯ ITCs were not feasible between siponimod and ocrelizumab because study designs and patient populations were too dissimilar to conduct a reliable ITC. Conclusions: This study highlights the importance of conducting a detailed feasibility assessment before undertaking ITCs to illuminate when excessive between-trial heterogeneity would cause biased results. MAIC was performed for siponimod and IFN β-1b in the absence of a head-to-head trial and was considered a more valid approach than a traditional ITC to examine comparative effectiveness.
Meta Analysis Comparative Study
Matching-adjusted indirect treatment comparison of siponimod and other disease modifying treatments in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis.
Background: Siponimod, interferon beta-1a (IFNβ-1a), IFNβ-1b and natalizumab have been evaluated as treatments for secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS) in separate randomized controlled trials (RCTs), but not head-to-head. These trials included heterogeneous patient populations, which limits the use of standard network meta-analysis (NMA) for indirect treatment comparison (ITC) of relative efficacy. Matching-adjusted indirect comparison (MAIC) aims to correct these cross-trial differences. ⋯ For annualized relapse rate (ARR), with the exception of natalizumab, siponimod was numerically but not statistically superior to all comparators. Conclusions: EXPAND provides evidence of the efficacy of siponimod compared with placebo, and these MAICs complement this by demonstrating improved efficacy of siponimod relative to DMTs. Siponimod offers a significant therapeutic advance that may slow disease progression compared to other DMTs in an EXPAND-like population with secondary progressive disease.