Pediatric surgery international
Pediatr. Surg. Int. · Dec 2007
Case ReportsMagnetic attraction leading to a small bowel obstruction in a child.
Foreign body ingestion in small children is common yet only 1% of cases require operative management of associated complications (Arana et al. in Eur J Pediatr 160:468-472, 2001). A 6-year-old boy was referred to our institution with a 12 h history of abdominal pain. This pain was diffuse and crampy in nature and associated with multiple episodes of non-bilious, non-bloody emesis. ⋯ The patient had an uneventful post-operative course and was discharged to home on the second post-operative day. This case demonstrates the complications that may occur with multiple magnet ingestion. It highlights the need for close observation and early surgical intervention in children with a suspected history of foreign body ingestion, a clinical picture of gastrointestinal distress, and radiographic evidence of a radio-opaque foreign object.
In the pediatric population, rectal injuries usually occur as a result of motor vehicle collisions. There has been an increased interest in selective diversion of rectal injuries in adults and increased utilization of laparoscopy both as a diagnostic and therapeutic adjunct. The aim of the study was to review our institutional experience with rectal injuries to determine if there was a subset of patients who could be managed with selective diversion. ⋯ Primary repair without a diverting colostomy was performed in 3 patients (2 intraperitoneal and 1 extraperitoneal injury) without complications. Based on the limited sample size, one should avoid making any definitive recommendations but, it appears, primary repair without fecal diversion can be performed safely in select children in spite of a longer time to surgery. Laparoscopy may be used for the immediate management of the penetrating trauma patient to rule out intraperitoneal extension, repair a perforation and guide the colostomy if necessary.
Pediatr. Surg. Int. · Nov 2007
Case ReportsA sewing needle migrating into the liver in a child: case report and review of the literature.
Swallowing foreign bodies is a common problem in children. Although most objects pass through the gastrointestinal tract with no untoward effect; long, sharp-pointed, or slender objects can perforate the gut. ⋯ A survey of the literature over the period from 1971 to 2006 revealed a total of five cases of childhood hepatic sewing needle together with our case. The practical lesson illustrated by this report is that the surgeon must carefully evaluate the liver when foreign body was not found in gastrointestinal system and also perforation site was found anywhere.
Pediatr. Surg. Int. · Nov 2007
Comparative StudyAcute and chronic gastric volvulus in infants and children: who should be treated surgically?
Gastric volvulus was first described by Berti in 1966. Whereas acute gastric volvulus is very rare, chronic gastric volvulus on the other hand is being diagnosed with increasing frequency. This is attributed to the liberal use of barium meal for the evaluation of infants and children with repeated attacks of vomiting and recurrent chest infection. ⋯ Barium meal should form part of their investigations. The treatment of chronic gastric volvulus depends on their symptomatology. Those with mild to moderate symptoms should be treated conservatively, while those with persistent and severe symptoms should undergo anterior (to the abdominal wall) and fundal (to the diaphragm) gastropexy without fundoplication.