Journal of critical care
Journal of critical care · Dec 2012
Clinical TrialChronic heart failure modifies the response to positive end-expiratory pressure in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Potentially beneficial effects of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) must be balanced against further overinflation and increased alveolar dead space. Concurrent chronic heart failure (CHF) is common and can lead to changes in lung that can reduce the detrimental effects of PEEP. ⋯ In subjects with severe COPD alone, caution must be used when administering PEEP 10 cm H(2)O or greater. Subjects with COPD + CHF may benefit from higher levels of PEEP.
Journal of critical care · Dec 2012
Prediction of pulmonary edema by plasma protein levels in patients with sepsis.
The difficulties of fluid therapy in patients with septic shock are to maintain sufficient vascular volume while preventing pulmonary edema formation. Thus, it is important to find a biomarker that can reliably predict pulmonary edema formation after fluid loading. We evaluated the association of plasma protein levels with the increase in extravascular lung water index (ΔEVLWI) after fluid loading. ⋯ Plasma transferrin and albumin levels were associated with ΔEVLWI 10% or higher after fluid loading. The high sensitivity of both biomarkers indicated that patients with normal values were less likely to develop pulmonary edema after fluid loading.
Journal of critical care · Dec 2012
ReviewPharmacokinetic changes in patients receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a form of prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass used to temporarily sustain cardiac and/or respiratory function in critically ill patients. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation further complicates the management of critically ill patients who already have profound physiologic derangements with consequent altered pharmacokinetics. The purpose of this study is to identify and critically review the published literature describing pharmacokinetics in the presence of ECMO. ⋯ While lipophilic drugs and highly protein-bound drugs (eg, voriconazole and fentanyl) are significantly sequestered in the circuit, hydrophilic drugs (eg, β-lactam antibiotics, glycopeptides) are significantly affected by hemodilution and other pathophysiologic changes that occur during ECMO. Although the published literature is insufficient to make any meaningful recommendations for adjusting therapy for drug dosing, this review systematically describes the available data enabling clinicians to make conclusions based on available data. Furthermore, this review serves to highlight the need for well-designed and conducted clinical and laboratory-based studies to provide the data from which robust dosing guidance can be developed to improve clinical outcomes in this most unwell cohort of patients.
Journal of critical care · Dec 2012
ReviewWhy patients in critical care do not receive adequate enteral nutrition? A review of the literature.
Enteral nutrition is frequently used to provide nutrients for critically ill patients. However, only about half of critically ill enterally fed patients receive their energy requirements. Underfeeding is associated with detrimental clinical outcomes including infection, pressure ulcers, impaired wound healing, prolonged hospital stays, and increased morbidity and mortality. ⋯ Frequent interruption was caused by diagnostic tests, surgical procedures, gastrointestinal intolerance, feeding tube problems, and routine nursing procedures. There are no standardized protocols that address these barriers to receiving adequate enteral intake. Such protocols must be developed, implemented, and tested to address undernutrition and mitigate the negative consequences of inadequate enteral intake.
Journal of critical care · Dec 2012
ReviewRisks of packed red blood cell transfusion in patients undergoing cardiac surgery.
Packed red blood cell (PRBC) transfusion is common in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Evidence has accumulated demonstrating that such patients can tolerate relatively low hemoglobins, and an extensive body of literature has developed demonstrating that patients undergoing such surgery who receive PRBC are at risk for several adverse outcomes including increased mortality, atrial fibrillation, and more postoperative infections, as well as numerous other complications. The PubMed database was searched for the English language literature on the topic of PRBC transfusion and outcomes in patients undergoing cardiac surgery, as well as alternatives to this intervention. ⋯ The limited prospective data were consistent with the retrospective data, which comprised most of the literature. The preponderance of the literature suggests that patients undergoing cardiac surgery can tolerate lower hemoglobin/hematocrit values than traditionally appreciated. Most published data also indicate that PRBC transfusion should be reserved for patients with an identifiable clinical/physiologic indication fir this intervention, consistent with recent specialty society guidelines.